- David Ilea - Prin puterea harului lui Dumnezeu aratat noua
in aceasta generatie continuam studiul Biblic despre planul veacurilor
avind ca text de baza Daniel cap 2. Istoria unui popor este scrisa de
istorici intodeauna in timpul intamplarilor sau dupa ce lucrurile sau intamplat.Istoria
omeniri se scrie de istorici intotdeauna dupa ce lucrurile pe care vor sa
le scrie se intampla. Nu sa intamplat niciunde, niciodata nici un om nu a
scris istoria unui popor sau a unui imparat inainte ca poporul acela sau
imparatul acela sa se fi nascut. Chiar daca istorici au scris istoria dupa
multi ani de la data cele intamplate, totu-si nu au reusit de multe ori sa
gaseasca adevarata desfasurare a lucrurilor despre care ei au scris.
Dumnezeu nu este un om ca si noi ca sa vada lucrurile si apoi sa le scrie
sau sa le povesteasca. Dumnezeu a facut un plan despre mersul intregi
omenirii in eternitatea Sa inainte de nasterea timpului (vezi 2
Timotei1:9). El a declarat sfirsitul lucrurilor inainte de inceputul lor (Isaia
46:10,11). Teologi nostri moderni ne spun ca Dumnezeu ofera omului
CALEA ADEVARUL si VIATA dar ramane la alegerea libera a omului, prin
urmare planul facut de Dumnezeu se poate schimba in functie de vointa
omului. In alte cuvinte Dumnezeu zice despre un om sau un imparat despre
un neam de
oameni: Uitati ce Eu am scris despre voi inca inainte de intemeierea lumii
in planul Meu, dar acuma ramane la LIBERA VOASTRA ALEGERE, si
daca cumva acel om, acel imparat sau acel popor nu alege potrivit cu planul lui
Dumnezeu, atunci Dumnezeu poate sa zica: Oh! imi pare asa de rau ca voi nu
alegeti potrivit cu cele asezate in planul Meu ......asadar trebuie sa
desenez un altul plan. Multe afirmatii teologice nu merita puse in
discutie. Privind prin lumina Duhului lui Dumnezeu in cartea lui Daniel la
capitolul 2 gasim declaratia lui Dumnezeu, o parte importanta din istorie
scrisa de Dumnezeu inainte de implinirea acestor lucruri. Din cauza celor
din grupul nostru de studiu Biblic care nu vorbesc limba romana sau a
celor care nu prea inteleg toate cuvintele in limba romana am gasit de
bine sa urmarim in continuare o scurta descriere a capitolului 2 din
cartea lui Daniel scrisa de preaiubitul nostru frate Preston Eby in limba
- J. Preston Eby -
To those longing for the coming of the Kingdom of God upon earth, today\'s
march of history-making events has special interest. Milleniums ago
ancient prophets saw our times, prophesied the rise and fall of world
empires, revealed the frantic efforts for global peace and détente in the
last days, and finally outlined clearly and unmistakably the last great
world empire of all. The Spirit of God has revealed the course of human
history today. He shows the finale of the effort made by mortal men to
resolve their differences and live peacefully, every man beneath his own
fig tree and by his own vineyard.
In the days of Daniel the prophet, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a
dream in the night. He awoke disturbed, perplexed. \"Then the king
commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcercers,
and the Chaldeans, for to show the king his dreams. So they came and stood
before the king\" (Dan. 2:2). The king shared with them his problem.
He was certain the dream he had had was a significant one. But now he
could not remember any of it! So he called upon the magicians, the
astrologers, the sorcercers, and the Chaldeans to tell him the dream and
to give him the interpretation of it. It was common practice for these men
to give the king fanciful, colored-up interpretations of his dreams. They
were usually twisted to please the king and build his ego. But now there
could be no guessing! They were called upon to not only interpret the
dream but to provide the dream. They were left speechless. They pled with
the king to at least tell them the dream; then they would give the
interpretation. But try as he might, the king was unable to remember his
dream. In wrath the king ordered their execution.
Numbered among the wise men in Babylon was Daniel. He, along with others,
had been taken into captivity when Nebuchadnezzar invaded and destroyed
Jerusalem. The first he knew of the king\'s disturbance - and drastic
action -was when Arioch, the captain of the king\'s guard, came to take
him to the place of execution with the rest of the wise men. The record
states: \"And Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom to Arioch the
captain of the king\'s guard, which was gone forth to slay the wise men of
Babylon: He answered and said to Arioch the ki ng\'s captain, Why is the
decree so hasty from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known unto
Daniel. Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give
him time, and that he would show the king the interpretation. men Daniel
went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and
Azariah, his companions: That they would desire mercies of the God of
heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not
perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. Then was the secret
revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of
heaven\" (Dan. 2:14-19).
You see, God has promised \"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but
He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets\" (Amos 3:7).
God will not leave His people in darkness about the future. God is in
control! In the annals of human history the rise and fall of empires
appear to be dependent on the will and power of man. But by the Word of
God the curtain is drawn aside, and we behold, behind, above, and through
all the play and counterplay of human interests and power and passions,
the workings of the great God, silently, patiently working out the
counsels of His own will.
King Nebuchadnezzar\'s question to Daniel was to the point: \"Are you
able to make known to me the dream which I have seen and the
interpretation of it? Daniel answered the king, The secret which the king
has demanded neither the wise men, enchanters, magicians, nor astrologers
can show the king; But there is a God in heaven Who reveals secrets, and
He has made known to king Nebuchadnezzar what it is that shall be in the
latter days - at the end of days. Your dream and the visions of your bed
are these\" (Dan. 2:26-28, Amplified Bible).
And then came the dream, one of the most dramatic revelations of all
history, in which God outlined the rise and fall of global empires, moved
beyond to our day and its detente among the great powers to the setting up
of earth\'s last great world empire. The dream accurately portrayed the
events now transpiring before our very eyes. \"God... has made known
to king Nebuchadnezzar what it is that shall be in the latter days\"
(Dan. 2:28, Amplified Bible).
Dan. 2:29-39
\"Thou, O King, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image,
whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; And the form thereof
was terrible. This image\'s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms
of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet
part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out
without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and
clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass,
the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the
chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that
no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a
great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will
tell the interpretation thereof before the king\" (Dan. 2:31-36).
Now it all came back to Nebuchadnezzar. This, indeed, was the dream he had
dreamed in the night! And Daniel informed the king concerning the
significance of the dream: \"As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came
into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and He
(Dan. 2:29). This was a dream whose interpretation was to reveal the
FUTURE. Painted dramatically, unforgettably, unmistakably, was a precise
outline of world history - the rise and fall of world empires and the
exact events which would lead to the establishment of the last great
empire of all.
With what interest and astonishment must the king have listened as Daniel
began his interpretation of the dream and informed the king that his own
kingdom was the golden head of that magnificent image. Gold, the king of
metals, represented the Babylonian Empire. Daniel informed the king that
the God of heaven had given him his kingdom, and made him ruler over all.
The character of the Babylonian Empire is indicated by the head of gold.
It was indeed the golden kingdom of a golden age. A natural center of
trade and commerce, Babylon was immensely wealthy. Site of the ill-fated
effort of Nimrod to erect the tower of Babel centuries before, it boasted
one of the seven wonders of the world, the hanging gardens, which
tradition says Nebuchadnezzar built to console his Median wife who missed
the mountains of her homeland. The city of Babylon itself was another and
still mightier wonder which there is neither time nor space in this
article to recount. There, with the whole world prostrate at her feet, a
queen in peerless grandeur, drawing from the pen of inspiration itself
this glowing title, \'\'The glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the
Chaldees\' excellency,\" stood this magnificent city, fit capital of
that great World Kingdom which was represented by the golden head of this
great historic image.
The Babylonian Empire was not to stand forever. It was to give way to
another. Interpreting the dream, Daniel added: \"And after thee shall
arise another kingdom inferior to thee\" (Dan. 2:39 . The breast and
arms of silver represented the Medo-Persian Empire (538-331 B.C. .
Fulfilling a word of the Lord (see Isa. 45:1), Cyrus damned up the river
Euphrates flowing through Babylon, marched his armies beneath the
two-leaved gates, and through this stratagem overthrew the Babylonian
Empire. Across the banqueting hall of Belshazzar appeared the dreadful
words: \"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin,\" (\"thou art weighed
in the balances and found wanting\"). Before the night was over,
blood flowed in the streets as Belshazzar and his thousand lords perished
at the hands of the Medo-Persian armies.
Medo-Persia, inferior to Babylon in some ways, was nonetheless a great
empire. The king had two capitals, one at Persepolis and the other at
Susa. The one he occupied in summer, the other in winter. Medo-Persia had
the first organized mail system. While it did not launch the Pony Express,
it did have the Dromedary Express - camels carrying messages throughout
the empire. Its great armies are said to have numbered in the millions.
Great as was the Medo-Persian Empire, it too, was to topple. Daniel
declared: \"And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to
thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all
the earth\" (Dan. 2:39).
Alexander the Great assumed the leadership of the Grecian armies at the
age of 20, and marched with lightning rapidity to conquer the then-known
world by the time he was 33. From the beginning of his military career he
was a marked man - a man of destiny. Ambassadors came to Alexander almost
from all parts of the world: some to congratulate his victories, others to
tender his crowns, others to make leagues and alliances with him. However,
Alexander could conquer cities but not his own spirit. With contemptible
arrogance, he claimed for himself divine honors. He gave up conquered
cities, freely and unprovoked, to the mercy of his bloodthirsty and
licentious soldiers. He often murdered his friends and favorites in his
drunken frenzies. He encouraged such excessive drinking among his
followers that on one occasion twenty of them died as the result of their
carousal. Finally, having sat through one long drinking spree, he was
immediately invited to another, when, after drinking to each of the twenty
guests present, he drank twice, history records, incredible as it may
seem, the full Herculean cup containing six of our quarts. He was seized
with a violent fever and died eleven days later while he yet stood only at
the threshold of his life and career - for he was only 33 years old ! His
kingdom was divided among his four generals.
What kingdom succeeded Greece as the empire of the world? Daniel said to
Nebuchadnezzar: \"And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron:
foreasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron
that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise\" (Dan.
2:40). One kingdom did this and only one. Rome. Rome conquered Greece; it
subdued all things; like iron, it broke in pieces and bruised. Rome -
everywhere victorious. Rome with its universal language, Latin; its
universal highway system, of which the Appian Way is a surviving example;
Rome with its invincible armies moving undefeated to the outposts of the
globe. Its years of power were from 168 B.C. to A.D. 476.
A logical deduction would be that after Rome another world empire would
emerge. Not so!
It should be noted that at first the fourth kingdom is described
unqualifiedly as strong as iron. This was the period of its strength,
during which it has been likened in a history to a mighty colossus
bestriding the nations, conquering everything, and giving laws to the
world. But this was not to continue.
Daniel went on to say: \"And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes,
part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom SHALL BE DIVIDED; but
there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, foreasmuch as thou
sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were
part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom SHALL BE PARTLY STRONG AND
PARTLY BROKEN\" (Dan. 2:41-42). The decline and fall of the Roman
Empire was a gradual thing. Luxury, vice, an almost total moral breakdown,
disintegration of the family - it culminated in A.D. 476 when the
barbarian hordes overthrew the Roman Empire.
Ten kingdoms, represented by the ten toes of the image, emerged. The ten
peoples which were the instruments in breaking up the Empire were the
Alamanni, Ostro-Goths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Suevi, Burgundians,
Heruli, Anglo-Saxons, and Lombards. The kingdom was indeed divided! These
barbarian peoples not only overran the Roman world, but planted themselves
within the territory of the Empire and thus became the Empire! The
connection between these and the modern nations of Europe is clearly
discernable in such names as England, Burgundy, Lombardy, France, etc. The
geography of Europe today is determined by the ethnic identities of these
ten peoples!
Dan. 2:43
The earth was never again to see the cohesive strength of the Roman Empire
welded into the superstructure of one great World Empire. For Daniel, in
one of the most significant prophecies of all time, declared: \"And
whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they (the ten toes) shall
mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to
another, even as iron is not mixed with clay\" (Dan. 2:43). It is
important that we take more than a mere casual perusal of these words of
the prophet, for in them is contained the KEY to, and the UNDERSTANDING of
events that shall unfold in this our day.
Many are loudly proclaiming a \"revival\" of the Roman Empire
under the antichrist. Some speak of a \"One World Beast
Government\" which they believe to be even now arising in the earth.
Preachers declare to us that the European Common Market will give birth to
a political alliance in the United States of Europe which is to be the
coming last great revived Roman Empire through which the antichrist, or
the beast, shall rule the world and universally enforce the \"mark of
the beast.\" Nearly everyone is looking for a world government under
the beast to arise out of a UNITED EUROPE. And right here, before going
any further, I want to speak a word against that. I will say plainly that
IT SHALL NOT COME TO PASS. And I am perfectly willing to have my prophecy
placed along side all the other voices that dare prophesy in this hour. I
do not hesitate to say that I am willing for the sands of time to declare
who are the false prophets. One brother said in a meeting with us in 1971
that the \"Beast Government\" would rise up in the earth and
take over the United States within three or four years. And now, four
years later, he is still preaching and declaring that the beast government
will rise up and take over the United States in three or four years. One
wonders when \"three or four years\" will end!
One of the problems today is that men read too much trash. People read all
kinds of politically oriented literature telling about the Illuminati, the
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the conspiracy on the part of the
Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others who control great financial empires
and international money systems, much of which is spurious, some of which
is theory, and a little which is truth. They take this information and try
to harmonize it and put it All together with what they imagine to be the
prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation and they come out with all kinds
of speculations in the name of the Lord. A while back the Spirit spoke to
me and showed me that all those kinds of \"revelations\" are
false because, in reality, they are NO REVELATION AT ALL! At best, they
are only unholy unions of flesh and spirit, mixture of men\'s ideas,
theories, speculations, and lies with the Word of God. Most of the
originators of these articles and books on the great money conspiracy, the
Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc. are not Christians at
all. Grant you, there are many Christians promoting these things, but they
are not the ORIGINATORS of it. Any time you take the political theories
and speculations of unregenerated men and mix it with the Word of God and
then call it a REVELATION you are treading on dangerous territory. All of
the true, proven, prophetic voices that I know across the land are not
prophesying those things at all. And those who are will live to see their
prophecies come to naught!
The church today is full of energetic and sincere preachers and teachers
who are just full of and bubbling over concerning things that are going to
happen. Sixty years ago men were telling how the Kaiser was the antichrist
and was going to upset the world. Then when that failed to materialize,
they frittered away much time and wasted much good paper and printer\'s
ink telling what the next war was going to be like, and how it was going
to be fought. There were to be death rays, and a hundred and one other
horrible devices, which would wipe out whole cities and peoples in an
instant. There were to be rays that would melt a gun in a soldier\'s hand
even as he held it. But the next war came. There were no death rays. It
was fought in much the same manner as the last one had been, except that
there was very little or no poison gas used, and equipment and methods
were much more effective, particularly on the Allied side. And yet, even
after this next war had actually begun, certain religious periodicals
published these blood-curdling articles telling of the awful inventions
which were ready to be used against mankind. The actual battles which were
being fought at the time the articles were published made a lie of the
articles. And the unbelievable reality is that many of God\'s people are
so gullible and so susceptible to this kind of sensational trash, that
they have no better sense than to glory in it, even though the statements
are proven false by actual events then transpiring before their very eyes.
Then Mussolini arose, and he was to be the future superman who would
revive the Roman Empire and do this, that, and the other. Then Hitler
formed a deceitful alliance with Russia, and the false prophets loudly
predicted that they would soon fight side by side. But we now know the
answers to all these predictions. They were nothing more than the
presumptous guesses of idle shepherds who were destitute of truth. Other
men, now that the Kaiser, Mussolini, and Hitler, and other hoped for
candidates for the office of antichrist have passed out of the picture,
are pinning their hopes on Henry Kissinger, or believe the beast to be a
computer over in Brussels, or think Nelson Rockefeller and the World
Banking System represent the beast that is preparing to take over the
world. Others are loudly proclaiming that the millenium will begin in
1978-79 according to the revelation of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. I want
to go on record as saying that the millenium WILL NOT BEGIN in 1978-79 and
I make a standing offer to buy all your books on Pyramidology for 1˘ each
in 1980. I\'ll even pay the postage on them!
My prayer is that God will deliver his people, especially those who have
caught a revelation of Sonship and God\'s great end-time purposes, from
all this carnal and soulish sensationalism. I fear that even many of
God\'s precious end-time saints haven\'t progressed far beyond Dr.
Scofield\'s footnotes when it comes to their system of end-time events as
regards the antichrist, the beast, and the anticipated world government
with its mark of the beast.
Before proceeding further, let us examine the prophecy of Daniel 2:43.
There are two important statements in this prophecy. Says Daniel:
\"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay,
1. They shall MINGLE THEMSELVES with the seed of men:
2. But they SHALL NOT CLEAVE ONE TO ANOTHER, even as iron is not mixed
with clay.\"
Hear it! \" They shall NOT cleave one to another!\" This
reference is to the ten divisions of the old Roman Empire which remain
with us unto this day in the nations of modern Europe. But if these ten
toes must yet be formed into the superstructure of a World Empire of
antichrist, where is the signification of that COMING WORLD GOVERNMENT
Daniel revealed that there would be FOUR great World Empires of man. The
fourth would be divided into ten parts and brought into a condition of
weakness and fragmentation. Then, in the days of those kings, in their
weakness and fragmentation, the God of heaven would set up a kingdom which
shall never be destroyed. If there is to be a World Government here at the
end of the age then God left something out! God was wrong! There was an
oversight on His part. Perhaps there really was to be a FIFTH WORLD
GOVERNMENT in between the fourth world empire and the Kingdom of God - but
in His haste to reveal to Nebuchadnezzar the plan of the ages God
momentarily overlooked that fifth kingdom!
Furthermore, if these ten toes were to united into a fifth World Empire,
they would have to be symbolically joined together in a sort of webfoot.
Men do not have webfeet, and this image of Daniel being the image of
a-man, therefore signifies no joining of the toes. If God had wished to
give such a signification, He would necessarily have given Nebuchadnezzar
a dream of an aquatic animal, such as a muskrat. He did no such thing.
Furthermore, if there were to be this union of the empires of the toes,
then Daniel, in his explanation of the vision, surely would have said
something about it. Instead, he stated the exact opposite: in speaking of
these toes he said: \"but they shall not cleave one to another, even
as iron is not mixed with clay.\" If these toes still have to be
joined to form a kingdom for the antichrist to rule, then they must cleave
one to another, and that would make Daniel a false prophet. I leave my
readers to judge who are false: Daniel, or those who contradict him and
thus contradict the Word of God.
With Rome fell the last of the world\'s universal empires. Heretofore it
was possible for one nation, rising superior to its neighbors in prowess,
bravery, and the science of war, to consolidate them into one vast empire.
But when Rome fell, such possibilities forever passed away! The iron was
mixed with the clay, and lost the power of cohesion. No man or combination
of men can again consolidate the fragments. No other human kingdom was to
succeed it, as it had the three which went before it. It was to continue,
in this tenfold division, until the kingdom of the stone smote it, upon
its feet; broke them in pieces, and scattered them as the wind does the
chaff of the summer threshingfloor!
In the afterglow of a thousand battlefields, in the shattered dreams of
would-be world conquerors, in the light of two world wars, the words stand
invincibly true... \"they shall mingle themselves with the seed of
men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed
with clay.\"
In A.D. 800 Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Voltaire, an able
French writer and intellectual, observed-wittily and sarcastically that
while the coronation had plenty of pomp associated with it, as for the
empire, it was \"neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.\"
Charlemagne grasped for world empire, came close, then found himself
defeated by the words of the great God! \"They shall mingle
themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another,
even as iron is not mixed with clay.\"
Louis the Fourteenth was a vain And pompous Frenchman. He sent his armies
into Holland and the Low Countries, to no avail. At death he, too, had
failed. Before him, Charles the Fifth had marched his armies across much
of Europe, then found himself unable to achieve world empire. The words
still stood: \'\'They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but
they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with
From the ashes of the French Revolution arose Napoleon Bonaparte. \"I
will tear the heart out of glory,\" he promised a friend. In Marengo,
Ulm, and Austerlitz - everywhere Napoleon\'s armies were victorious. Then
came the invasion of Russia. Due to a set of circumstances Napoleon made a
fateful decision. He would return to France. The retreat that followed was
the most disastrous of all history. Literally hundreds of thousands of
soldiers fell in the ice and snow as the coldest winter of Russian history
struck. Napoleon was captured, and escaped, and returning to France
rallied his troops for one last great effort to unite the nations of earth
under his control. June 15, 1815, as the sun sank on the third day of the
Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon\'s career sank with it. In captivity Napoleon
wrote his memoirs. And he gave what he felt was the reason for his
failure: \"God Almighty has been too much for me!\"
\"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall
not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.\"
For decades prior to the outbreak of World War I, the world had been at
peace. Men anticipated the Golden Age. On the fateful night when the
ultimatum delivered by the British Empire to the Kaiser had been rejected,
Sir Edward Grey stood with his military aide looking out over the London
skyline. It was late. Lights in the buildings of the city were winking and
going out. Pondering the implications of the outbreak of the first World
War, Grey turned to his aide and said: \"The lamps are going out all
over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.\"
Kaiser Wilhelm\'s armies met allied forces in No Man\'s Land in France.
For a time it appeared victory would be his. The horror of trench fighting
had demoralized the allied armies. Then came the battle of the Marne. From
every standpoint, German armies should have been victorious. But up and
down allied battle lines the slogan went, \"They shall not
pass.\" Victory went to the allied armies! Before the war was over
60,000,000 casualties had been sustained on the land, in the sea, and in
the air. Armistice day cameo Kaiser Wilhelm had failed as had all the
others before him. He too, had come face to face with the words of our
God: \"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they
shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with
In the 1930\'s, fed by the injustice of the Versailles Treaty, the storm
clouds of war began to gather. September 5, 1939, Hitler\'s panzer
divisions swept through flimsy barriers that separated Poland and Germany.
World War II had begun. Unstable and mercurial, Hitler deceived and misled
the Germans, a people with a proud and ancient heritage. He sought
absolute power for himself. He held out the promise of a thousand-year
Five weeks, and Poland was defeated. The Low Countries were quickly
conquered too, with Blitzkrieg, a new lightning war technique that
utilized the mightiest mechanized army the world had ever seen. Bypassing
France \'s \"invincible\" Maginot Line, Hitler plunged through
France to Dunkirk. Military experts gave England a few weeks - at the most
a few months - before she too would be crushed beneath Hitler\'s mighty
military machine. Nazi armies at that point seemed to be unstoppable. But
Dunkirk was a turning point. For when the picture appeared hopeless and
the logical course for Britain to follow was surrender, Winston Churchill,
British prime minister, announced the course England would take. \"We
shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight in the
seas and oceans, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall
fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.\"
Had Hitler at this point launched a massive invasion of England with
paratroops and air cover supporting, there is little question the British
Isles would have fallen. Possibly, eventually, the whole world. But
curiously he did not. He was sure England would sue for peace. So he
waited - for an event that never came. Then, too late, after England along
with refugee troops from Europe had had opportunity to rally, Hitler
launched the Battle of Britain. Hitler invaded Russia, making the same
mistake of Napoleon before him. Later came D-Day, June 6, 1944, and the
invasion of continental Europe by the allies. Hitler died a suicide in a
Berlin Bunker. Like military leaders before him who had dreamed of world
conquest, Hitler was defeated. But he was not defeated by military might -
this he had in superabundance. Rather, it was the fateful words of our
never-failing God that doomed him to failure: \"And whereas thou
sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the
seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not
mixed with clay.\"
Time and again men have dreamed of rearing on these ten fragments of the
fourth kingdom ONE mighty empire. A single verse of scripture was stronger
than all their hosts... \"Partly strong, and partly broken ,\"
was the prophetic description. And this is exactly the history of these
ten kingdoms ! \"They shall not cleave together!\" God
announced. And yet men have tried to mold them together. And men of God,
who ought to know better, predict that they shall unite and form a FIFTH
WORLD EMPIRE - a WORLD GOVERNMENT in our time! \"This shall not
be,\" says the Word of God. \"This has not been,\" replies
the book of history.
But in the light of history\'s dramatic chapters and the current move
toward a united Europe - a UNITED STATES OF EUROPE - what of the future?
Will the elusive mirage of world peace based upon a trust in European
solidarity, the result of wishful thinking, again cause men to forget the
counsel of the Word of God, \"They shall not cleave one to
another\"? Let me say that alliances may come, even a strong-man may
arise, and it may appear that the iron an d the miry clay of the feet and
toes have finally fused, but the Word of God still stands: \"They
shall not cleave one to another.\" It may seem that old animosities
have disappeared and the, the \"ten Kings\" shall become one
empire, but \"the scripture cannot be broken!\' (Jn. 10:35).
Dan. 2:35,44-45; I Peter 2:9; Rev. 12:5; Rev. 14:1-20; Rev. 2:26-27; Gen.
The awe-inspiring vision of Nebuchadnezzar did not end with the vision of
the feet and toes of iron and clay. The greatest event of all was yet to
come, for he saw a stone cut out of a mountain without hands which smote
the image on its unsteady feet. The blow fell upon the feet because they
represent the ruling power at the time of the end when these events take
place and the vision is fulfilled. The moment that blow was struck by the
stone from the mountain, the whole Babylonish system fell and crumbled to
dust beneath its own weight. It became like the dust of a summer threshing
floor and the wind blew it away. m en the little stone cut from a mountain
itself became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Dan.
2:35,44-45). This, of course, is the beginning of the Kingdom of God which
will eventually fill the whole earth!
God\'s own nation on earth must take up the scepter. This kingdom SHALL
NEVER BE DESTROYED. \"Never\"\' covers a long time. This kingdom
of God \"shall not be left to other people.\" The four preceding
kingdoms were left to others. Babylon became a prey to Medo-Persia, which
in turn was seized and held by Greece, which in turn was left to Rome to
subject and dominate. Rome has fallen into ten fragments which in turn
shall be subjected to the kingdom of God. It is God\'s kingdom which must
\"break in pieces and CONSUME A-L-L these kingdoms, and it shall
stand forever!\" (Dan. 2:44). Furthermore, this is no fiction or
fairy tale: \"the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof
sure\" (Dan. 2:45).
As the fourth kingdom, or the Roman Empire, was represented in a two-fold
state, first strong and flourishing, \"with legs of iron,\" and
then weakened and divided, \"with feet and toes, part of iron and
part of clay,\'\' so this fifth kingdom, or Christ\'s kingdom on earth, is
likewise described in two states. But while Rome passes from strength to
weakness, from iron to iron mixed with miry clay, the fifth kingdom begins
small, merely a stone, and advances to become a great mountain. First it
is cut out of a mountain to become the kingdom of a stone. The final phase
is when itself becomes a mountain, \"and filled the whole
The great majority of commentators have missed the truth here assuming
this stone to be Jesus Christ, when God says it is A KINGDOM. The text
does not state that God sets up the Christ, Who shall never be destroyed.
Furthermore in verse 45 we find this atone \"cut out of a
mountain.\" Christ was not cut out of a mountain. But this fifth
kingdom was cut out of a mountain. And the next verse definitely states
that this kingdom is set up by God, \"in the days of these
kings,\" that is, in the days of the kingdoms of the toes.
Peter, when writing to the CHURCH, says: \"But ye are a chosen
generation, a royal priesthood, AN HOLY NATION, a peculiar people\'\' (I
Peter 2:9). He calls the church A NATION. He also calls them a RACE, for
the word \"generation\" is from the Greek word
\"genea\" which means \"race.\" The Amplified Bible
renders this: \"But ye are a chosen race.\" Nations are
generally built up after ethnic lines. The church is both a race and a
nation because it is composed of people who have been BEGOTTEN and BORN OF
GOD! God is thus the head of an entirely new ETHNIC GROUP which is
HEAVENLY! Born of the Spirit! The off-spring of GOD! And God has formed
this new race of men into a NATION. It is God\'s nation. He is the king.
And in the scriptures mountains are used to denote kingdoms or nations. So
when we read in Dan. 2:45 of a stone CUT OUT OF A MOUNTAIN, it is a stone
cut out of a kingdom out of a NATION! And that nation, or mountain, is
GOD\'S CHURCH! The stone is, therefore, Christ with all the elect Sons of
The very same analogy is drawn in John \'s vision of a woman bringing
forth a manchild. The woman is the church. The true church. The manchild,
born out of the woman, is that company of God\'s overcoming Sons who are
to \"rule all nations with a rod of iron\" (Rev. 12:5). So the
WOMAN of Revelation 12 and the MOUNTAIN from which the stone is cut in
Dan. 2:45 ARE ONE AND THE SAME - the church. The MANCHILD out of the woman
and the STONE out of the mountain are the very same thing -they are the
144,000 overcoming Sons of God who come to Mount Zion to reign!
Immediately following the marvelous description of this 144,000 Sons of
God in Rev. 14:1-7, John saw an angel fly through heaven saying,
\"Babylon is fallen, is fallen.\" If you read the remainder of
the chapter, you will see vividly the process of the destruction of this
Babylonish system by the stone which was cut out of the mountain without
hands. Furthermore, the manchild, the stone, the 144,000 on Mount Zion are
all the same as the OVERCOMERS out of the churches in Rev. chapters 2 and
3. Of these OVERCOMERS it is written: \'\'And he that overcometh, and
keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter
shall they be broken to shivers\" (Rev. 2:26-27). Daniel says of the
STONE: \"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set
up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be
left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these
kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. For as much as thou sawest that the
STONE was cut out the mountain without hands, and that IT brake in pieces
the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God
hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter; and the
dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.\"
So the stone RULES and breaks in pieces all these kingdoms. The overcomers
RULE and break the nations into shivers. The manchild RULES \"all
nations\" with a rod of iron. The 144,000 are RULING from Mount Zion,
that Mount of kingship and dominion. And each one of these \"comes
out\" of something else - out of a larger group of God\'s people!
They are ALL fulfilling the same function - smashing the kingdoms of this
world and bringing the Kingdom of God to pass in the earth! This is God\'s
Press on, saints of God, for we are on the winning side! We are on the way
up, the kingdoms of this world are on the way down! All of the distress
and perplexity among the nations today does not indicate the imminent rise
of a world dictatorship under the antichrist. Rather it heralds the hour
for the final collapse and destruction of this present evil system of
things and the victory of God\'s glorious kingdom. The kingdoms of puny
and unregenerated men are growing old and wearing out like a garment.
Communism cannot stand. Democracy cannot stand. They are all time worn and
threadbare, faded and dilapidated - ready to be rolled up like a worn-out
garment and replaced by a new order.
But men - under satanic inspiration - boast and plan for a One World
Government. But it matters not what the Fabian Socialists or the
International Financiers have planned. Satan is the god of \"this
world.\" And Satan is a liar! Don\'t you believe what HE SAYS! Just
because he plans to take over the world and form it into a world empire
under his headship doesn\'t mean that he shall succeed. Oh yes, he has it
planned. And how many christians believe him! He says he is going to do it
so we believe him. me confession of many of God\'s people corresponds with
what the devil is promoting. Remember saints - milleniums ago Satan was
promoting the same idea. \"And they said, Go to, let us build us a
city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a
name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth\"
(Gen. 11:4). But GOD had other plans! \"And the Lord came down to see
the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord
said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this
they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they
have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their
language, that they may not understand one another\'s speech. So the Lord
scattered them abroad... and they left off to build the city\" (Gen.
The effort to World Government today is just as contrary to the will and
word of God as was Babel of old. And the whole world, including the people
of God, must yet again, one more time, come face to face with the word of
the Lord: \"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but
they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with
The present nations of the earth, and most of the christians of the world
today, will be surprised... shocked... when God steps in again and derails
the well laid and proud and boastful plans of the great men of the earth -
and brings forth a company of unknown and unrecognized Sons of God - who
shall become the instrument of God to establish in the earth HIS OWN WORLD
\"But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess
the kingdom for ever, even forever and ever... the Ancient of days came,
and judgement was given to the SAINTS of the most High; and the time came
that the saints possessed the kingdom... and the kingdom and dominion, and
the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the
people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting
27). Hallelujah! |
Writings in This Series:
