Part 20
“Our Father which art in heaven...forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors” (Mat. 7:9,12). “Forgive us our sins; for we also
forgive everyone that is indebted to us” (Lk. 11:4). “For if ye
forgive men their trespasses, your Father will also forgive you” (Mat.
May God grant that again today His Spirit will search our hearts
and purify our lives as we meditate on the very familiar Lord’s Prayer.
In this message we continue the theme, “Forgive us our sins, as we
forgive those who sin (trespass) against us.” Last month we looked at
the manner in which God has dealt with the sins of the whole world through
Jesus Christ our sin-offering. The question follows: What is the
difference between the forgiveness we ask for in the Lord’s Prayer and
the forgiveness that is provided for the whole world of humanity through
the sin-offering of Jesus, which forgiveness we personally realized when
we first came to Christ for salvation? The answer is just this: One is
judicial; the other is paternal. When Jesus died upon the cross He was the
sin-offering for all men. The Judge of the universe accepted His sacrifice
on behalf of all and from a judicial standpoint that act of pardon covered
all our sins, past, present, and future, as Paul says, “By the
righteousness of One the free gift came upon all men unto justification of
life” (Rom. 5:18). Although the whole world is already fully and freely
forgiven all their trespasses, this becomes experiential in our lives only
when we respond to it, accept it, and live in the light of it.
It is like the Emancipation Proclamation signed into law by
President Abraham Lincoln. As soon as President Lincoln signed the
document every slave in
was free. All of them. They were one and all fully released from the
dreadful tyranny of slavery. Their freedom was a legal and judicial fact.
They were no longer slaves. But news traveled slowly in those days. There
were black men and women chopping cotton on plantations in
who had no knowledge of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. In
their minds they were still slaves. So they continued to chop cotton and
lived in the slave quarters. They thought like slaves. They felt like
slaves. They acted like slaves. They lived like slaves. They suffered as
slaves. Once the news of their freedom reached them, what if they
couldn’t believe it? What if it seemed too good to be true? What if they
refused it? They remained slaves although legally they were free. They
remained in bondage until they accepted freedom and adapted to it.
That is how it is with the whole world of mankind. All are
forgiven. Their sins are atoned for. They are free. They are conciliated.
God was in Christ conciliating THE WORLD unto Himself, not imputing their
trespasses unto them. And God has committed unto us the word of the
conciliation, we are His official representatives sent forth by His
Kingdom authority to inform all mankind of their release and the power of
God available to make it effective in their lives. God has a program for
their rehabilitation. But we are heralds of an already accomplished
reality. Our message is not just about what God can do — it is about
what God has done. God has forgiven the Adam man of all his trespasses!
Through acceptance of this judicial act we are transformed from
slaves of satan, sin, and death to sons of the living God. Now,
consciously being His children we can pray, “Our Father.” From
henceforth His dealings with us are not with slaves, but within the family
circle. Our sins now are not merely the gross sins of the flesh of old
Adam — they are sins on another level, on a higher plane, under
different circumstances and other conditions. They are sins against
spiritual life, against the will of the Father for His sons, against His
plans and purposes in our lives, against the ways of His Kingdom, and
against the family of God. Sin now becomes a hindrance to our progress
back into the image of God. When we were first forgiven of all our sins at
the time of our salvation, we were forgiven of those things that separated
us from God. But now, as God’s dear children, we are forgiven of those
things that prevent our progress into the nature and character of our
heavenly Father. Forgiveness now means cleansing from all impediments,
removal of all hindrances and on-going conformation into the image and
likeness of God. These two orders of forgiveness must be kept clearly in
mind. Judicial forgiveness accompanies our salvation, whereas paternal
forgiveness is within the family relationship and maintains the Father-son
relationship. Only sons can pray, “Our Father...forgive us our sins, as
we also forgive those who sin against us.” It is the Fatherly
forgiveness for which we ask in the Lord’s Prayer.
Sin means “missing the mark” and our Father freely forgives us
when we miss the mark. But none can deny that we profit from our mistakes
by learning the value of the ways of righteousness. A brother shared a
beautiful example of this in an incident from his youth. He said, “When
I was 14, my dad made me responsible to open and close the windows on the
greenhouse where he grew celery plants. At
one sweltering day, Dad asked me how it had gone — opening the windows
that morning. I flushed. My stomach turned to knots. I had forgotten! I
will never forget my Dad’s reaction. He put his face on the table in a
gesture of sadness mixed with horror. ‘Oh no!’ he exclaimed. Dad and I
hopped in the car and sped to the farm. All the way I kept saying, ‘Dad,
I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’ We arrived, finally. Dad swung open the
doors, and the heat began to billow out. The thermometer read 160 degrees,
and every plant was burned to a crisp. I had ruined his entire crop. Dad
looked me straight in the eye and said, ‘Son, you made a mistake. But I
love you, and you’re forgiven’ He never mentioned the incident again.
And I never forgot to open the windows again!”
Stacy Wood has shared a powerful insight into the sins of sons. He
says, “I would be a fool to say I’ve never sinned. The Bible says that
should I profess not to have sinned I would be a liar (I Jn.
). For me to say I’ve never sinned would be utter foolishness. I have
sinned since I was saved. I have sinned since I received the Holy Spirit.
I have sinned since I first prophesied and healed the sick. I have sinned
since I received the call to sonship. But I can assure you of one thing
— I do not practice sin. ‘Whosoever is born of God,’ the scripture
says, ‘doth not commit (Greek: practice) sin.’ To sin is to miss the
mark. That is the exact meaning of the Greek word HAMARTIA which is
translated as sin. When I do sin or miss the mark I am not rejected by
God. I do not lose my salvation. I do not lose my gift, calling or
“When you miss the mark, do you realize what is happening? YOU
A, to miss the mark, speaks of a bull’s eye. I pull an arrow back on the
string of the bow, I aim at the bull’s eye and let that arrow go. But I
failed to correctly judge the wind or the distance or by some other human
error the arrow goes to one side or the other and I miss the bull’s eye.
I sinned! I missed the mark. But — inherent in my missing is the fact
that I was trying! I didn’t want to sin. I wasn’t abandoned to sin. I
had not given up and just lain down to wallow in sin. There was some
principle of weakness within, something in my nature and will didn’t
work right, I didn’t have full control over it, and I missed the mark.
“So, what shall I do? Take out another arrow. Find out which way
the wind is blowing this time, lift my sights a little higher, steady my
hand and seek to judge that distance — aim and let the arrow fly. If I
miss again I’m not practicing sinning — I’m practicing hitting the
bull’s eye! I just keep on falling short. But I will keep practicing
until I hit the center every time. Until then ‘there is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus’ (Rom. 8:1). I don’t
have to live under condemnation because I miss the mark. Falling short is
part of the process while I practice perfection. I do not practice sin, I
practice perfection. I do not practice missing the bull’s eye, I
practice hitting the bull’s eye. Mistakes are always made during
practice sessions. Ask any prize fighter or professional ball player. You
practice to make perfect — but you miss the mark in the process. We fall
short. That is why it is that in Christ Jesus there is now no
“What happened is that sin passed upon all men by one man’s
transgression — Adam. Adam’s nature has been fully dealt with by the
cross, but we still are having dealt within us the weakness of our own
flesh whereby we miss the mark. Adam has no power over me — I can now
train myself in Christ Jesus to raise my sights and learn to hit the
bull’s eye. Before Jesus I couldn’t do anything but miss the bull’s
eye! Now, with Christ as the trainer in my inner life I can develop the
godly skill to hit the bull’s eye every time. The potential of the
divine life is now within my inner son and I am learning to live out of
the mind of Christ. The full ability to be perfect is now within me. We
are learning how to manifest what we truly are. When a little child is
learning to walk he is learning to fulfill an aspect of his full human
ability. He will fall many times in the process. Is there any condemnation
to the child for falling short? Do we spank the child for falling? Do we
say, ‘Bad boy, bad, bad, boy. If you keep falling down you’re never
going to walk! Shame on you!’ Not at all. He will keep practicing —
not practicing falling, but practicing getting up after he falls.
“Falling is not failure. Falling is an opportunity to get up and
do it over and succeed. Failure is part of success. It’s built into the
process. It’s the law of the scheme of nature. It reveals God’s
wondrous ways. Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the
knowledge of God! Some who read these lines have a problem with stumbling,
with falling, with failure to walk out the will of God in your life.
Don’t lie there and allow the adversary to accuse you. Don’t lie there
and beat yourself and say, ‘I’m a failure. I’m no good to God. I
can’t make it into the Kingdom.’ GET UP AND GO AGAIN! Remember —
end quote.
Now we come to a part of this petition which most men like to
bypass. Their feelings are somewhat like those of the man who dodges into
an alley when he sees a creditor coming down the street. Yet the petition
plainly says, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” How
should we view our sins when we ask for their forgiveness? To get at the
full implication of sin, we need to consider it in various lights. In
scripture we find it designated by a variety of names, each of which
suggests some peculiar quality of sin. Sometimes it is “missing the
mark,” as we have already shown. Sometimes it is a thing of
“omission,” at other times a matter of “commission.” Sometimes it
is an “offense.” Sometimes it is a “side-slip” or “mistake.”
Sometimes it is “selfishness” or “self-will,” demanding our own
way. And sometimes it is just “fleshly folly.” But when we confess we
are helped by viewing them as debts.
“Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Though we
are trying to hit the bull’s eye, and God does not condemn us for the
failing — yet there is a valid reason why we are trying to hit the
bull’s eye. There is a great purpose in why we are now pressing onward
to perfection. We cannot be content with the status quo. It speaks of
myself and God in the same word. I am His child who, in sinning by living
beneath my rights and privileges as a son of God, am not only defrauding
myself, but I am most grievously defrauding and wronging Him who has
redeemed me for His high purpose. “For ye are bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are
God’s” (I Cor.
). My sin not only affects myself — it affects God and His Kingdom. And
today you and I are in debt to God — we owe Him something, and have not
paid that obligation; we have not discharged our responsibility.
God has lavished us with blessings and benefits and instruments
with which to show forth His glory in the earth; and when we sin these are
abused, squandered or destroyed. In all our walk in the
we have been receiving at His hand — and what have we rendered to Him
again? The law of the Kingdom is just this: For all we receive, HE
CTS A RETURN. The word “debt” denotes that every act we do ought to be
a dividend redounding to the glory of God out of the investment He has
made in us. Man was created in the image of God to be the manifestation of
the invisible God to the visible creation. He was the image of the
invisible God made visible and given dominion over all things to reveal
God and express His Kingdom on earth. We have been made partakers of His
divine nature to fill all the universe with His holiness. We were given
dominion over all realms, from the lowest of the low to the highest of the
high, to rule for God and establish His Kingdom over all. The visible
creation was to see and know and contact God in us.
So many Christians today are satisfied with merely an entrance into
the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. Their eyes are blinded to
eternal values, any efforts to lead them on to higher ground are rebuffed
and resisted by a human reasoning that asks why one should waste time on
“deep things” when they are already saved and filled with the Spirit
and on their way to heaven. But salvation, while it is indeed the most
astounding miracle of the ages, is the birth of a mere spiritual infant.
There are many further steps that must follow this birth if one is to come
into all the glories and the full heritage that is prepared for those who
“follow on to know the Lord.” And not one of us has come all the way
up to our full privileges in Christ. There is great glory and heavenly
wealth awaiting those who become fully matured and equipped for God’s
ultimate purpose. Salvation is nothing more than the beginning of a
never-ending, heavenly, God-kind of life. Then the recipient may become a
heavenly billionaire, or remain a heavenly pauper. He may become a
full-grown son in the God-family, or he may remain a baby spirit
delighting only in an immature, childish eternal existence. Salvation is a
free gift through unmerited mercy and favor: a new divine life begun by
means of a new birth. But heavenly attainments of spiritual wealth and
glory and usefulness are given to those who have salvation, and then go on
to grow up into the “measure of the stature of the FULLNESS OF CHRIST”
(Eph. 4:11-16). Salvation is a gift; but the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus is a prize (Phil. 3:7-16).
Today, unregenerated man is shooting rockets to the moon and
distant planets, and boasts that he is going to use the planets as a
launching pad to soar to the universes beyond. But man is simply getting
in too big a hurry! He is striving to take over and rule what he has not
fitted himself to manage. Man has not yet proved his ability to rule this
planet, much less the worlds beyond. Man with his history of greed, lust,
strife, treachery, wars, bloodshed, deceit and perversion has now
stockpiled enough bombs to not only blow this earth to smithereens, but
twenty more just like it! Shall God commit into the hands of corrupt,
depraved human nature the rulership of the whole universe? God forbid! Man
is reaching out to rule that which he has not qualified himself to rule
— and before it has been made lawfully his! But what mankind does not
know is that if, through Christ, he first qualifies for the trust, it has
been God’s intention all along to place not only the moon and Mars, but
, LIMITLESS UNIVERSE under his jurisdiction!
Now notice this passage in Psalm 8:3-6. “When I consider Thy
heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast
ordained; what is man (how great he must be!), that Thou art mindful of
him...Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou
hast put all things under his feet.” And again in Hebrews 2:7-8, “Thou
madest him (man) for a little while lower than the angels; Thou crownest
him with glory and honor, and didst set him over all the works of Thy
hands: Thou has put A-L-L T-H-I-N-G-S in subjection under his feet. For in
that He put all in subjection under him, He left N-O-T-H-I-N-G that is NOT
put under him!” You won’t quite grasp that at first. It’s too
overwhelming! To be crowned means to be given kingly RULE. To be crowned
with glory and honor is to be given such rule as Christ Jesus has NOW, and
that is described in Hebrews chapter one as being the administrating,
Ruling Executive over the ENTIRE UNIVERSE! Christ is now ruling over all
things, for He overcame all things. And qualifying sons of God are his
brothers, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, to inherit with Him,
in due time, all that HE has now inherited! That is greater by far than a
mansion over the hilltop or a cabin in the corner of glory land!
Let us continue the passage in Hebrews chapter two. “But now we
see not yet all things put under man.” Ah — the universe is, then, NOT
YET under man. But what do we at this present time see? “But we see
OR.” And the next verse shows that Jesus is the Captain, the Leader, the
One who goes before leading the way, bringing many sons to the very same
glory that God the Father has crowned Him with! And men, if they will come
to God and surrender unconditionally to Him and His Lordship, accepting
His dealings, being transformed into His likeness, shall one day soon, at
the unveiling of God’s sons, stand with Christ Jesus IN HIS VERY OWN
OR! So that is the supreme heritage of man — if he is willing! Man, and
man only, of all the life forms God has created, has been given the
incomprehensible privilege of actually being born into the God family, the
Elohim, the universal ruling family of God. This family relationship is a
GOD-PLANE relationship. What a matchless, supreme, awe-inspiring,
breath-taking potential!
Sin, however, inwardized us. The response of Adam who walked with
God, communicating with Him in the cool of the day, was: “I don’t want
to glorify God, I want to glorify myself.” He became unthankful for
God’s deposit in his life and trusting his low carnal wisdom more than
the high wisdom of his Creator, he became a fool and exchanged the
sovereignty of the universe for a kingdom of sticks and stones and
creeping things. Thus, he robbed God by mis-appropriation of the glories
given into his hands and, like the prodigal son, squandered all his
inheritance. His embezzlement of God’s appropriation, diverted for his
own pleasure and profit in the lowlands of the flesh, sent the whole race
of mankind into bankruptcy.
Can you not see what vast and glorious riches are now given to us
in redemption! Here man is restored to the inheritance forfeited by Adam.
Jesus Christ came to bring to man again the richness and transcendence of
God’s eternal purpose. Never has the earth been shaken with such a
ministry as that of the first begotten Son of God. Never did mortal eyes
behold such power. Never had ears heard such words of wisdom. Never had
the oppressed found such judgment or sinners such mercy and grace. Never
was nature moved by such authority. And then He died and arose amidst the
rending of rocks, the darkening of skies, and the appearance of angels. He
rose from the grave and walked again the lowly realms of earth in the
sight of His disciples and before many witnesses who watched in awe as the
glory of God enfolded His being and lifted Him to heaven in their sight.
Then came the transforming glory of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit with the
sound as of a mighty rushing wind fell upon the waiting company as they
sat in holy expectation. Tongues of fire sat upon them all. It was not for
show or excitement that the fire was manifested, but to transform men of
weakness to men of power and change sons of men into sons of God.
Wonderful and glorious as those mighty acts of God were, I know by
the spirit of wisdom and revelation that those great events were but a
sample of the firstfruits of a greater day yet to come, and the infancy of
an eternal maturity that will fill and govern all things. That beginning
was the little stone that was cut out of the mountain that was to smite
the image of this world system, growing larger and greater with the
increase of many sons brought to glory to fill the earth with the
knowledge of God and with the judgment and power of the Lord until all men
bow before Him and all nations come to worship before His majesty. Then
shall no man rob another, nor covet his neighbor’s wife, nor shed the
blood of his brothers, nor shall the oppressed cry for vengeance upon the
oppressor, for all the earth shall be filled with the justice, equity,
judgment, knowledge, wisdom and truth of the Lord under the rule of
God’s many-membered Christ.
With this blessed knowledge the apostle Paul prayed for the saints,
“That...the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, ye might know
what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His
inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His
power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power,
which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him
at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality,
and power, and might, and dominion...” (Eph. 1:18-21).
Ah, God has invested so much in us — and He DOES EXPECT A RETURN!
What return have I made? Do I have a clear, definite understanding
of what I owe my heavenly Father? Have I done all I could, so that His
will is done in me? Have I truly followed after, that I might apprehend
that for which I also am apprehended of Christ Jesus? Have I mortified the
deeds of the body that I might live out His life? Have I faithfully
ministered to others of the riches so bountifully bestowed? When we sin
there is something in our act for which we become liable to God. That is
your DEBT. “Debt” is something we OWE. In relation to God it is
something we owe to Him and have failed to pay. It stands for the increase
He expects in us and from us. There are certain things we owe our heavenly
Father. We owe Him reverence. Have we given it to Him? We owe Him
obedience. Have we given it to Him? We owe Him service. Have we given it
to Him? We owe Him our heart’s best love. We owe Him the first place in
our thoughts, desires and affections. We owe Him complete self-surrender.
We owe Him the honor that accrues to a father from a faithful, responsible
and accomplished son. Have we given it to Him?
DEBT! What a terrible word that is to every true and honest man!
And the debt we owe God is one that cannot be expressed in the figures and
currency of earth. It is a debt that money can never pay. I have heard
sometimes of men who, when they have found themselves in financial
difficulties, have called their creditors together and have said to them,
“If you will but give me time, I will pay you all in full.” And from
time to time we read in our newspapers of honorable men discharging with
interest debts they had incurred years before. Can we do something like
that with this debt we owe to God? Can we work it off in the days and
years that are to come? I cannot hold out to you any hope of doing that.
For all our debts, what does God demand of us? Are His demands
anything like those of the human law of debt, of the law of ancient times
that claimed the person of the debtor, and handed him over to his
creditor, to be cut in pieces if he chose; to be sold with his family and
effects, if he chose; to be chained to a life of slavery and drudgery, if
such were the will of his creditor? Are we at least to suffer some
penalty, to feel for a while something of the bitterness of that poverty
brought on by the immensity of our debt to God? NO! All that is asked is,
that we acknowledge the debt, and accept its remission. “Our
Father...forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors!” To forgive
sin is to blot it out. “I am He that blotteth out thy transgressions”
(Isa. 43:25). The Hebrew word for “to blot out” alludes to a creditor,
who, when his debtor has paid him, blots out the debt, and gives him a
receipt marked “PAID IN
.” But when our Father forgives the sins of His sons, He blots out the
debt without our paying it and crosses it out of the debt-book. What
grace! What matchless grace! That is the way of a father with his sons.
That is the power and glory of the word the Lord Jesus has given us in
this wonderful prayer of sonship, “Father, forgive us our debts.” We
must ask in all humility. The prayer is answered at once. The debt is
canceled, freely and fully. Truly, there is now “no condemnation” in
Christ Jesus!
What is forgiveness? The Greek word means “to send back,” or
“to send away.” It is used in the sense of sending away as a matter of
transfer, sending something from one to another. Related terms are
“remission,” “deliverance,” and “liberty.” These words all
speak of the glorious work wrought by “the Lamb of God, which TAKETH
AWAY the sin of the world.” The pure Greek meaning of the word
forgiveness is that sin is RELEASED, sin is DISMISSED — sin get out of
this life, sin get out of this home, sin get out of this church, sin get
out of this city, sin get out of this nation, sin get out of this world!
The blood of Jesus is better than the blood of bulls and goats, it
doesn’t just cover your sins, He removes your sin as far as the east is
from the west! “I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions,
for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins” (Isa. 43:25).
Because this was not taught to us in our churches when we first
came to the Lord, we’ve been wandering around half maimed as Christians,
not knowing who we are and thinking that God still remembers our sins. Men
will not let you forget. Preachers, especially, will not let you forget.
This is the good news — when God forgives you He forgets it. Don’t
follow the example of ignorant men who won’t let you forget, don’t let
the adversary pull that number on you, for satan is the accuser of the
brethren, and he accuses through men and he accuses you through you. You
say, “But I sinned!” Yes, you did. You say, “But I failed God!”
Yes, you did. You say, “But this is the one-hundredth time that I have
flunked the same test!” Yes, it is. To which your heavenly Father
responds, “Your sin is forgiven, remitted, released, sent away. It’s
not in my ledger. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sometimes there is a certain remorse for our sins brought by Holy
Ghost conviction. That is the Holy Spirit prompting us to deal with the
issue. Here is how you can tell the difference between Holy Ghost
conviction and the devil’s accusation. If the Holy Spirit is dealing
with you about sin in your life, there is hope — He is drawing you to
God, to righteousness, peace and joy. If the devil is brow-beating you
with condemnation, there is no hope — you are drawn into a vortex of
despair, hopelessness, shame and depression. That’s how you can tell the
The word forgive, as I have pointed out, means TO SEND
, or to send away. There was a type of this action in the Old Testament at
the time of the yearly atonement. The high priest laid his hands upon the
head of the scape goat and confessed all the sins of
, putting them upon the goat. The goat was then led away into the
wilderness by a man and left there, never to return to
. Through that action the people were to understand that their sins had
been sent away.
There is an interesting and significant passage of scripture in
Matthew 18:18, the words of Jesus. “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye
shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall
loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” The context of this passage
has to do with how to deal with a brother that has transgressed against
you. We’ve heard about binding and loosing ever since we came into the
move of the Spirit of God. Jesus said to Peter, “I’m going to give you
authority, and I’m going to let you bind and loose.” And He called
this binding and loosing the “keys” to the Kingdom. But let us notice
the backdrop of this word about binding and loosing. It has to do with how
to deal with a brother who trespasses against you. Jesus says, “Moreover
if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault
between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy
brother” (Mat.
What kind of relationship is Jesus dealing with here? Is it
vertical or horizontal? It’s horizontal — it’s people to people, man
to man, brother to brother. It’s not vertical — between man and God.
He’s dealing with people in their relationships one to another. He says,
“If you have a falling out with somebody, even if it’s their fault, go
fix it.” Then He says, “If he will not hear you, take one or two
others, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be
established; and if he won’t hear them, tell it to the church — the
assembly of believers. After that, if he refuses to hear the church, let
him be to you as a heathen and a publican.” Now hear this! The very next
words are: “Verily I say unto you, whatsoever you shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on
earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them
of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mat.
Jesus is obviously talking about forgiveness, for there follows
immediately these words: “Then came Peter to Him and said, Lord, how oft
shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?”
First Jesus is talking about a falling out with a brother, and how to deal
with it. Then He talks about binding and loosing — you can bind or loose
the situation according to how you deal with it. Then He continues on with
that great word about forgiving a brother who sins against you four
hundred and ninety times in one day! You see, my beloved, binding and
loosing has to do with lateral relationships.
Binding and loosing has to do with unity and harmony between
brethren. The key word in Matthew 18:19 is “agree”. “If any two of
you shall agree on earth as touching shall be done .” The
Greek word is SUMPHONEO. Any time you have SUM it means “in fellowship
or in harmony with” and PHONEO means “a sound or a voice.” From this
word comes our English word SYMPHONY. Have you ever been to a symphony?
Have you ever heard the musicians when they are tuning up? It sounds
terrible! But, once they get all tuned up, what beautiful harmony! There
is no more irritating sound than dissonance. Much of what is called
“music” today would be best characterized as “harmonic
dissonance.” Dissonance is a clashing. Jesus wants His brethren to be a
symphony. “If any two of you shall harmonize — sumphoneo.” Christ
wants His body to harmonize, He wants us to come into symphonic agreement.
In this context He is talking about binding and loosing.
Binding and loosing has to do with forgiveness. Jesus gave us the
Lord’s prayer. He concluded it with this glorious Doxology: “For Thine
is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever. Amen.” Then
immediately He said something else. He didn’t talk about the Father; He
didn’t talk about heaven; He didn’t talk about what all the baby
Christians want to talk about — blessings and healings and deliverances
and miracles. He didn’t even talk about the kingdom or sonship. He
immediately began to talk about forgiveness. Why did Jesus come to planet
Earth? That is not hard to figure out: He came to show us the Father. And
the Father has a heart of mercy, a heart of reconciliation, a heart of
love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Son.” God knew
that we couldn’t find Him or get to Him, so He came to us. When you
first met God, how did you meet Him — on what basis, in what mode? You
needed to be forgiven. You needed to be freed. You needed to be delivered.
You needed to be loosed.
If you look at all the scriptures on binding and loosing you will
find that they all refer to something altogether different than the
interpretation placed on them by the preachers. You talk about binding and
loosing and immediately people think about demons, principalities and
powers, sickness and disease, or they think about money. Every time I have
been in a meeting where something has been bound or loosed, it has dealt
with either demons or money. And you can do that! We can take authority
and “bind” and “loose” in those areas — there is a truth there.
Demons will listen to you and you can move finances around in the realm of
the spirit so that it will manifest in your pocket book. But the primary,
essential meaning of binding and loosing, the meaning the firstborn Son of
God put upon it, in every context, is talking about forgiving. Let this
truth be indelibly inscribed upon your mind and in your heart — binding
and loosing has to do with forgiveness — either binding people to their
sins, or loosing and liberating them from their sins!
The Greek word for forgiveness (APHESIS) rendered “remission,”
“forgiveness,” or “deliverance” comes from the preposition
which means “up and away from” meaning to be delivered up and away
from and out of the prison house. It means to be released or let out of
prison. It means to “let one go free.” So if I bind my brother by
unforgiveness I retain his sins; if I loose him by forgiveness I remit his
sins. Not only do God’s ministers have that authority, but every
individual believer has that authority. That is why when you see a brother
overtaken in a fault “Ye which are spiritual should restore such an one
in the spirit of meekness” (Gal. 6:1).
There are those who think of forgiveness as no more than an escape
from punishment. It is the remission of a penalty. But forgiveness goes
far deeper than that. The story is told about a lawyer who pleaded the
cause of a client of his who was accused of murder. Through his
impassioned appeal the jury brought in a verdict of “Not Guilty.” The
accused man upon whom the shadow of the electric chair had been falling
was allowed to go free. In his gratitude he hurried to his attorney, in
order to thank him. But the man that had saved his life drew away in
disgust, saying, “Off with you; you are guilty as hell.” This man went
free, but he was not forgiven. Reminds us of O. J. Simpson, does it not?
Although he was acquitted of the crime of murdering his wife, Nicole,
millions of people still believe he is guilty and they have not forgiven
him. They charge it to his account. They harbor feelings of resentment,
rage, disgust, animosity, and hatred toward him. The emotion of loathing
arises in their hearts with every thought of him. They would like nothing
better than to see him pay the uttermost farthing. It troubles them that
he has “gotten away” with murder. He is free but unforgiven — even
by many Christians! And even by some who call themselves sons of God!
Forgiveness, then, is something more than a way of escape from the
consequences of our sins. It is an attitude toward the sinning one — a
“sending away” of his guilt, and a “sending forth” of mercy, love,
reconciliation, acceptance and fellowship! If by the Holy Spirit of
God’s Love you have forgiven O. J. Simpson, you could play a game of
golf with him without once thinking an unkind thought about him or
bringing the subject of his trial up. Forgiveness means to cease to feel
resentment against; to give up a claim on account of; to grant remission
of an offense, debt, fine or penalty. To forgive means that we release the
other person, that we accept the loss that has come to us from their
offense, and let them go free. In forgiving we actually bury our own wrath
at their sin and resolve this through love, refusing to make them feel our
wrath and extending to them acceptance, love and fellowship. To forgive is
to affirm the worth of others, to recognize that they are far more
important than the offense, and to transcend the issue in accepting and
confirming them. It means we must rise above our feelings about the hurt
we have sustained. In love we reach beyond the offense to the person; in
grace we free the other. And that is what God has done for the whole
Such attitude and action can only result in acceptance, true,
total, unqualified acceptance. Such acceptance springs from understanding
of the deepest kind. How beautiful is forgiveness; how redemptive its
nature; how glorious its magnanimity! No one can exercise it without
becoming at once of a larger mold. All that is little and mean shrinks
away from the forgiving spirit. But if forgiveness be beautiful because of
its magnanimity, how much more beautiful because of its Godlikeness! This
beauty is seen in Jesus on the cross. When He was hanging there, an object
of pain, rejection and brutality, He voiced forgiveness: “Father,
forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Forgiveness was a way of
life for Him. It permeated His entire spiritual and mental outlook. It
colored all His attitude and emotion; He was forgiveness.
Ah, the glory of forgiveness! The wonder of having one’s sins
“sent away”! Oh, sweet deliverance! Think of all the prodigals who
have come, so weary and so footsore, so sick, so disgraced, so stained,
from the far land and the swine, for whom there has still been the best
robe and the rejoicing welcome. Think of all those polluted souls who have
washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Think of
poor cheating Jacob, who became
, a Prince with God. Think of David, the murderer and adulterer, to whom
God yet restored the clean heart and the free spirit. Think of cursing and
swearing Peter, think of savage, persecuting Paul, who yet became chief
among the apostles. Think of the penitent thief upon the cross; the rough
jailer; the thievish runaway. Think of the ignoble, swindling publicans;
think of the harlots, the common infamy, out of whom He cast the seven
devils of sensuality, and who were not pushed back when they wept upon His
feet. These entered into the
before priests and Pharisees, because it is the helpless, who know their
helplessness, to whom Christ came.
After a person is forgiven, you cannot lay any charge against him.
You cannot bring any accusation. “If God be for us, who can be against
us,” the apostle asks. If God has chosen and has affirmed His presence
within a vessel, who am I to judge? I gain no power by putting another
person down.
In asking for forgiveness, our sins are likened to unpaid debts;
the act of forgiveness is likened to the canceling of those debts. And in
presenting this plea, we are told that God’s remission of sins is
conditional upon our willingness to remit others freely the uncanceled
debts they owe us — the trespasses or offenses they have committed
against us. Through the sin-offering of Jesus God has already forgiven the
whole world all their trespasses against Him. Therefore, all are assured
of the opportunities of blessing and life in God’s great plan of the
ages. But now we come to another principle — the Father’s forgiveness
of His sons within His Kingdom, and our relationship to men who trespass
against us. And we are taught to pray, “Forgive us our sins, as we
forgive them that trespass against us.”
It would be hard to find a more pregnant sign of the greatness of a
son of God than this little phrase, “as we forgive them that trespass
against us.” In the sin offering we see God as the standard of man’s
action; but here we are taught to regard man as the standard of God’s
action. Jesus does not bid us pray, “May we forgive our debtors as Thou,
Father, hast forgiven us.” Rather, “Forgive we forgive!”
Here our Father’s forgiveness is conditioned on our forgiveness. An
impulsive religious man is tempted to exclaim, “I, for one, will not
pray this prayer. I do not want to be forgiven by God as I forgive people
who wrong me. I want to be forgiven in a larger, grander, fuller, more
glorious way. I conceive of a love of God beyond and infinitely and
forever above all human love with which I might presume to compare it. God
is bigger than man. And I conceive of a forgiveness of God so spontaneous,
full and free, so perfect and divine, that the attempt to compare it with
my poor limited human forgiveness borders on blasphemy. If I am asked to
pray for forgiveness from God because I have already forgiven the one who
has transgressed against me, then I flatly decline. I do not care to
accept, much less to plead for, a blessing from the hands of a God whose
blessing is withheld until a sinning man like me sets the example of
magnanimity. I conceive of a God whose first name is Love, a God whom
Jesus bids us approach with the words of tender affection on our lips,
‘Our Father,’ a God who gives and loves to give. I conceive of a God
who is mindful of me when I forget Him, who cares for me when I miserably
fail Him, who, as often as I wander away from Him, draws me back to
Himself. And I refuse to offer a prayer that is dishonoring to Him. My
God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, will not wait to bless
me until I have risen to heroic heights. His mercy is over all of His
It must be admitted that there is logic and force in the objection.
Is God’s goodness no greater than ours? Is the human heart the measure
of divine beneficence? Does God’s impulse of mercy wait the stirring of
our own? Must we be good before He will be? If it is wrong for us to wait
to be gracious until someone else is gracious, why is it right for God?
While God is God, can He be content to keep back the gifts of His grace
until I am gracious? Will He really wait for me to forgive before He will
show Himself forgiving? It is hard to believe that this is the meaning of
the prayer. It is clear we need to have this prayer revealed to us. And,
to go back to our religious objector who contends, “I want a forgiveness
from God that is unconditioned by my own,” the proper answer is, “You
cannot have it. In the nature of the case you cannot have it. And your
demand for it proves that you do not understand the path of sonship, nor
do you know how forgiveness works!”
We would be wrong to assume, because Jesus said that God would not
forgive us unless we forgave others, that God is temperamental, insisting
on His own way merely for the sake of getting His own way. Such a
conception of God would be unworthy of the God revealed by the personality
of the gentle, tender Jesus. You see, precious friend of mine, we are not
dealing here with unregenerated men or with religious men or with babes in
Christ. The Sermon of the Mount is the principles of the
; it is the very essence of sonship. God is dealing with us as with sons.
God does not require sinners to forgive in order to be forgiven. God does
not demand of spiritual babes that they forgive as a condition for
forgiveness — but He does require it of
. He is teaching sons His own nature, that they must forgive, and how to
forgive. It is a great and glorious lesson in the school of sonship. It is
training in the ways of the Father, in the principles of His Kingdom. Just
as a boxer must be trained to a degree far surpassing those who merely
attend the fight, so sons of God, His government of Kings and Priests
destined to rule and bless all things and creatures, must be taught and
trained in the ways of His heart and purpose.
It is not that our Father forgives us because we forgive others.
And it is not that our Father sits in His heaven with a scowl on His face
saying, “If you don’t forgive, well, then, I’ll show you. I won’t
forgive you, either!” What we see here is a great spiritual principle,
an unalterable divine law inherent in the
. It is the nature of God, the way of His manifestation. Our forgiveness
of others is not the condition of God’s willingness to forgive us; it is
the condition of our ability to receive the forgiveness of our Father. It
is simply a matter of how things work in God’s economy. It is like the
water in the faucet. If you don’t turn on the faucet, the well or
reservoir will not supply more water. It is not that the reservoir says to
the faucet, “If you don’t run water into the lavatory I refuse to run
water into you.” No, that is not it at all. The faucet is the channel by
which water is supplied to the lavatory. The reservoir, on the other hand,
is the source from which the water is supplied to the faucet. There is an
order here; the order involves a flowing. If the faucet causes the water
to flow to the lavatory, the reservoir automatically provides an unfailing
supply of water to the faucet. IT’S ALL IN THE FLOW!
the same way God and we are connected. As sons of God we are His supply of
mercy, love, forgiveness, reconciliation and redemption to mankind. We are
the faucet, God is the reservoir. Forgiveness flows not only to us, but
through us. We are God’s channel. When we dam up the channel, refusing
to forgive and bless men, we stop the stream. The flow ceases. So the
forgiveness and mercy of God are unable to flow into our lives due to an
obstruction, because of a hindrance. Our unmerciful attitude becomes a
barrier between us and the outflowing of God’s goodness. If our hearts
are filled with unforgiveness for another, how can the forgiveness of God
come in? Forgiveness and unforgiveness cannot exist together any more than
a number can be a plus quantity and a minus quantity at the same time.
Therefore do we pray, “Forgive we also forgive!” When we
forgive the hindrance is removed and there is again a free flow of mercy
and blessing both to us and through us. That is the law of the Kingdom.
It’s all in the flow!
Norman Elliott illustrated the truth this way. Suppose someone went
to an athletic coach and said that he wanted to be a runner; and suppose
this young person insisted upon carrying a heavy stone round with him. The
first thing the coach would do would be to tell him to let go of the rock.
Perhaps the imaginary conversation would be something like this: “Fine.
I can make you a runner, but first of all you’ve got to let go of that
rock.” “I can’t do it. I’ve carried it round with me for so long
that I’m used to it. It is part of me.” “No, I’m sorry, you’ve
got to let go of that rock if you want to be a runner.” “You’re
being temperamental! You just want to do it your way. I want to be a
runner but I want to keep my rock.” “No, it can’t be done that way.
Either drop it or I won’t teach you.” “There you go again. You keep
saying I won’t. You’re temperamental!” “I only say ‘I
won’t,’ as another way of saying that I am not able to make a runner
of you while you insist on keeping a heavy stone. To be a runner you have
to get rid of every weight that is unnecessary. It isn’t that I don’t
want to help you. You make it impossible for me to help you.”
As God is Love, as love is the law of the Kingdom, we make it
impossible for that love and goodness to invade us when we are unmerciful
and unforgiving. We have closed the doors to the outflow of God. We must
permit God to flow into us before He can flow out from us. What He is and
what He does must become experiential in order for it to be dispensed
through us. And now, though it may seem we have traveled a long way around
to reach the point, we see the absolute propriety and justice of this
prayer: “Forgive we forgive.” As sons of our heavenly Father
we cannot be forgiven on any other terms. Peace, harmony, hope, joy,
mercy, goodness, tenderness, love — these represent the heart that
forgives. Resentment, antagonism, bitterness, disharmony, hatred,
selfishness — these represent the heart that refuses to forgive. This is
the heart which God cannot forgive among His sons, and in His Kingdom, not
because of any indisposition on His part, but because the heart cannot
receive forgiveness. We pray to be forgiven as we have already forgiven,
not because our forgiving spirit entitles us to the forgiveness of God or
wins Him to a grace like our own, but because now we have come into a
condition of heart in which forgiveness can effect an entrance and have
its perfect work.
Must God wait to be gracious until we are gracious? Is our grace,
mercy and love the measure of His own? No; but until we have the spirit
which forgives we have not the spirit which can be forgiven. If it were
possible for us to receive love from God and give out hate to men; if we
could be joyous towards Him and sullen to our neighbors; if we could
accept from Him tenderness, compassion and love while we continued to walk
in arrogance, hostility and disdain of our fellow men, it would be because
we lived in a world whose order was immoral and corrupting. Nothing of the
kind is possible in God’s great Kingdom. We are only darkening counsel
by words without knowledge. And so we pray, as Jesus taught us, “Forgive
us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.”
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me
to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the
brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovering of
sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the
acceptable year of the Lord” (Lk. 4:18). This is where Jesus went into
His home town, His home synagogue, and announced His Jubilee ministry of
deliverance. Note particularly the word deliverance and the term set at
liberty. “Deliverance” or “set at liberty” is translated more
often as “forgiveness” or “remission.” The Greek word has the
metaphor or word picture in it of opening up a prison door and the captive
walks out free — released. It relates especially to the year of Jubilee
when all the slaves are set free and all debts canceled.
So what God does is let us out of prison. When we don’t forgive
people we not only keep them in prison, we also lock ourselves up with
them. This should help us understand some of the teachings of Jesus. He
talked about people being thrown into prison and turned over to the
tormentors until they paid their bill. Do you really know what He meant by
the Spirit? You will be “bound up” until you forgive. Jesus said you
will go to jail and you won’t get out until you have paid the last
farthing. Why? Because the mission of the sons of God is to set creation
free. There is a great and universal law in creation and society — only
a free man can set a man free! You’ve got to know you’re forgiven
before you have power to forgive. When you know you’re forgiven you can
go forth in the right spirit and everywhere you go you can serve and you
can bless. And when you make mistakes and miss the mark you will be
forgiven in return! God is not concerned about how much Bible we know or
how much revelation we have. I would rather meet someone who can’t read
or write whose spirit is right — whose life is flooded with love, mercy,
goodness and the power of God. I’ve learned some of the greatest things
I have learned in God from men and women who never graduated from high
school — and some of them missed it by a long shot. But they had walked
with God and were filled with the wisdom and knowledge of the ways of the
Lord. Paul was a brilliant man, he was a scholar indeed, and a lawyer
versed in the law, but he said he was taught this message by revelation of
the Spirit.
God has conciliated the world unto Himself and has committed unto
us the word and the ministry of that conciliation (II Cor.
-20). The old-order method of evangelism was to get a bullhorn, go out on
the corner, and tell people how sorry they are and that they are going to
hell, and how much they need to come to your church. They took one look at
you and me and saw how obnoxious and sorry we were, and they said, “If
that’s religion, I don’t want any, thank you.” You see, precious
friend of mine, the world is hungry for joy, for peace, for hope, for
life, for reality. They will go out and get drunk for a month looking for
some kind of solace, some kind of meaning to life.
Jesus offended the religious sensibilities of the men of His day by
claiming for Himself divine prerogatives. Thus, when a paralyzed man,
carried by four friends, was lowered through the roof before Him, He
astonished everyone by saying to the man, “Son, thy sins be forgiven
thee” (Mk. 2:5). The scribes thought to themselves, “Why doth this man
thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” The reaction
of Jesus is interesting and significant. He did not say, “You are wrong.
Men can forgive sins as well as God.” Nor, “I am not really forgiving
this man’s sins, but only assuring him that God does so.” He assumed
that the scribes were right in thinking of forgiveness as a divine
prerogative, and went on from there. He pointed out that it is easy to
say, “Thy sins are forgiven.” But it is also easy to say to a
paralytic, “Take up thy bed, and walk.” Then He went on: “But that
ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins,” he
said to the sick of the palsy, “I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy
bed, and go thy way into thine house.” And immediately he arose, took up
the bed, and went forth before them all.
The message is clear. It is just as easy to say, “Thy sins be
forgiven thee,” as to say, “Take up thy bed and walk.” One is no
harder than the other. In either case it must be the authority of the
Spirit within. If man has power to heal, he also has power to forgive
sins. I have seen lame men leap for joy when some man has spoken to them
the wonderful words, “Jesus Christ maketh thee whole — arise and
walk!” I have seen it with my own eyes. Therefore, I ask you, as Jesus
asked, “Is it any harder to say Thy sins be forgiven thee!” This is
written that you might know that the sons of men have power on earth to
forgive sins!
Many years ago, when I was a youth evangelist still in my teens,
the Lord powerfully spoke this word into my heart. It was in the days of
the great Latter Rain outpouring of the Spirit of God. I was preaching in
a meeting in
Saint Augustine
. After the ministry one night several people had come to the front for
prayer. There was a particular lady who had come seeking salvation. I had
spoken and prayed with her, but she continued on praying and darkness and
dejection were written like a mask over her countenance. She was
struggling with her sins and acceptance of God’s forgiveness. The joy of
sins forgiven had not swept into her soul. Suddenly the Spirit sprang up
within the minister of the church. He shot across the platform like a
bullet from a gun. He laid his hands upon the woman and thundered the
command, “In the name of Jesus Christ — thy sins be forgiven thee!”
There was immediate release — her hands shot up, her expression changed,
joy flooded her countenance, assurance bloomed like a flower of spring in
the garden of her heart, and praise and worship flowed through her lips to
the Lord. Salvation in that moment became blessed reality. In that same
instance the Spirit witnessed prophetically within my heart: THERE IS A
A. C. Dixon wrote: “‘And when He had said this, He breathed on
them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whosoever sins ye
remit, they are remitted unto them...’ The disciples had the right to
pronounce the remission of sins. On what condition? ‘And when He had
said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy
Ghost.’ If under the breathing of the Holy Spirit, they speak God’s
words of power, they pronounce the remission of sins in the name of God
and by the authority of God.
“D. L. Moody had many friends among the high officials in the
United States
. Governors came out to hear him preach. When he was holding a meeting in
one of the American cities, the Governor of the State sent for him and
said, ‘Moody, I have decided to respond to the petition of a great many
people to pardon a celebrated criminal, whose name you have doubtless seen
in the papers. I would like you to go down to the States Prison and convey
it. You are offering pardon to all sinners; I would like you to take my
pardon and deliver it to this man.’ Mr. Moody said, ‘I took the legal
document from the Governor’s hand. I went to the States Prison and
showed it to the Warden. He called into the chapel all the prisoners; and
standing before them all I said, ‘I have a pardon for one of you. I do
not know you by face, but here is the name.’ Oh, what breathless
interest! How they leaned forward! They scarcely breathed at all, those
five or six hundred men, wondering, ‘Is it for me?’ Mr. Moody read the
legal document, and when the name of the man was mentioned, there was
something like a shriek came out of the crowd. It was almost more than he
could bear. He was in for life, away from his wife and children; and when
the pardon was read, it just overwhelmed him.
“The Governor, who had the legal right to pardon, gave the
document to Mr. Moody. Then Mr. Moody went and announced the pardon to the
man, in the name and with the authority of the State and of the nation.
The Governor had remitted, and Mr. Moody remitted by announcing the
Governor’s remission. It came into personal touch with the man through
the medium of Mr. Moody. And that is what I do in the name of God” —
end quote.
We are a
after the Order of Melchizedek unto our God and Father. We are the
Ambassadors of the
on earth. And we are called to mediate God’s forgiveness to God’s
world. We must do more than preach forgiveness, more than merely declare
that God’s forgiveness can be had on terms. We must become the agents of
that forgiveness. In God’s name and in His power and by the Spirit of
Christ, we must forgive the sins of men. Broaden your view! We are to
become the active agents of God’s forgiveness to creation. Hallelujah!
What a Calling! What a Day! By J. Preston Eby.
Writings in This Series:
