What is the Gospel?
Very few people have every heard the Gospel or more accurately the "Good
News." It is a recognized fact that adversity, calamity and
disaster sells better than good news. Thus, most Christians are busy
telling the world God is mad at them, in hopes of saving a few from their
hardships. The world outside of the church is continually told that they
are terribly wrong and sinful. Therefore, God is going to destroy the
earth and all sinners with it. He will cast a who have not accepted him
into the lake of fire, where they will be tormented forever and ever.
There are those who call this kind of preaching "the Gospel."
However, let me ask, "Where is the Good News in this
message?" It certainly is not what God commissioned us to share
with humanity. In this lesson I want to share the Gospel in three
foundational thoughts: Redemption, Reconciliation & Salvation.
Redemption is pictured in the feast of Passover, which began about
3,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Passover is described in
Exodus chapter twelve. One lamb was slain for every household and its
blood was painted on the lintels and doorposts of the family's house. This
was done because the Lord of judgment promised saying, "When I
see the blood, I will pass over you." (Ex.
12:13; He. 12:23). The family was to eat the lamb with unleavened
bread and bitter herbs. It was to be eaten in haste, prior to their
departure from Egypt. Moreover, it was to be eaten with a belt on their
waist, sandals on their feet, and their staff in their hand. The feast of
Passover was kept each year to commemorate Israel's divine deliverance
from Egypt (literally limitation) by the grace
of God.
Jesus was the Lamb of God, chosen for the final Passover
sacrifice. (Joh.
1:29, 34-37) The cross was his destined alter of sacrifice,
where he became the redemptive sacrifice for the entire world (Joh.
12:27, 31-33). He was taken as a Passover Lamb to the slaughter. (Isaiah
53:4-7; Ro. 3:22-26; 1Co. 5:7-8) His blood was shed to freely pay the
price to redeem (or loosen) humanity from the power of sin or the curse of
the law. (Eph
1:7; Ga. 3:13; 1Pe. 1:18-20; Re. 5:9)
God gives the believer, "the word and ministry of
reconciliation!" (2Co.5:14-21)
That is, God sends the believer into the world to tell those who have not
heard the "Good News" that in Christ, God was reconciling
the world to himself. He was no longer imputing (or charging) their
intentional or unintentional violations of his law against them. He
removed every excuse humanity can ever make for not allowing harmony and
fellowship to exist between themselves and God. This reconciliation exists
between God and humanity no matter what their condition or state of being.
Jesus Christ accomplished this reconciled state for ALL HUMANITY
and not just for believers. It is not just the people who are in church,
that God loves, but He love and accepts everyone! That's right. The worst
reprobate sinner in the world is every bit as reconciled to God as the
believer. For when we were yet unable to help ourselves, Jesus Christ died
for THE UNGODLY. Moreover, God exhibited his love toward us, in that,
WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS, Christ died for us. (Romans
Look at Romans
5:9-10— It says that "when WE WERE ENEMIES, we were
reconciled to God by the death of his Son." Reconciled in this
verse is written in the past tense. That is, God has already restored
fellowship between himself and the whole world. He did this when the
entire world was "dead in sin, rebellion and unable to help
themselves." (Rom.
3:23, 11:32; Gal. 3:22, Eph. 1:1-2).
Through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, God cleansed,
forgave and restored everyone on the face of this earth to himself. (Heb.
9:24-28, 10:7-14). All that is left for each human being to do, is
receive this reconciliation by believing. Those who do immediately begin
experiencing the benefits of it. (2Co.
5:14-21). This is the good word God has given us to understand and
share with those who do not recognize they have fellowship with God. If we
share this "Good News of Reconciliation" with those who
have lost their sense of well being they soon find the restored fellowship
that leads to salvation.
Salvation speaks of the deliverance, preservation and safety of the
whole human life. We were subjected to a "curse"
through Adam's transgression, but through the righteous act of Jesus at
Calvary "the curse was reversed." That is, all of the
spiritual, psychological and physical adversities of humanity have been
rendered powerless through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus
Christ (Ga.
4:9). This salvation brings freedom from "sin's dominion"
6:6, 14; He. 9:26), "the devil's works," (1Jo.
3:5-11), and "the legal rules of religion."
Moreover, a true moral self-rule springs up from within the heart of the
person that experiences salvation (Heb.
10:15-17). The fear of death is made void (Heb.
2:14-15) and righteousness, peace and joy become the central
experience of one’s life. (Rom.
14:16-19). Let us remember, it was sin that made death so frightening
and sin derived its power from the law by creating its destructive force,
guilt. (1Co.
The apostle Paul clearly declared that GOD IS THE SAVIOR OF ALL
HUMANITY. He also said this salvation is special to those who BELIEVE.
That is, those who believe are able to experience the continual benefits
of salvation within their lives. Moreover, we are commissioned to carry
this message to those who have not heard (1Ti.
"How can a person experience the redemption, reconciliation and
salvation that is now available to them through Jesus Christ?" It
is simple because the experience of this word is near to each and every
human being. It is a word of faith or persuasion that is in everyone's
mouth and heart. I am speaking of the word that we proclaim, which
declares that God loves, accepts and is benevolent to EVERYONE. All that
remains is for each one to personally confess or agree with their mouth
that the Lord Jesus manifested God's love and acceptance of them by giving
his life at Calvary. Then by believing in their heart that God raised him
from the dead, they will begin experiencing salvation or deliverance from
those things that have held them back from truly enjoying life and life
more abundantly. (John
10:10). For it is with the heart that one believes into the fairness
of God, and with the mouth confession is made into salvation. Remember.
Salvation is not a one time experience, but a steady forming and growing
within the life of the believer until a person reaches the fulness (or
maturity) of the Christ life. (2Co.
1:9-10; Ga. 4:19; Eph. 4:11-16) The Scripture says, “Whoever
believes into him will not be put to shame.” (Romans
We are exhorted as believers to make supplications, prayers,
intercessions and thanksgivings on behalf of ALL HUMANITY;
including ALL who are in leadership and authority. This we do so that we
may live peaceful and tranquil lives with all godliness and honesty. It is
also right and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who wants
all humanity to be saved and to come to a full recognition of the truth.
For there is but one God and one Mediator between God and humanity—Christ
Jesus, himself human; who gave himself as the redemption price for ALL—this
message is valid for every period of time. (1Ti.
Writings in This Series:
