“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in
heaven...Thy kingdom come...” (Mat. 6:9).
will do you a special favor today. I will change that prayer somewhat. But
it is not really I that am changing it — the church world has changed
it. When they were through changing it they liked it a lot better. From
then on they have prayed it the new way: “Our Father which art in
heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy saints go to heaven...” Isn’t that
what a lot of people are praying for? Vast multitudes believe a false
doctrine that is called “The Rapture of the Saints.” It means “The
Going of the Saints.” This idea is based on the scripture that says,
“If I go away you will also go away...” Ah — how does that text go?
“If I go away I will come again and receive you unto Myself.” The Lord
Jesus never said that He would come and take us to heaven; He said He
would come and receive us unto Himself, unto a Person, not a place, unto
union with Him in all that He is. What the church world is looking for
today is not the Lord’s coming, nor yet the coming of the
, but their “going”.
The Lord’s prayer, however, does not refer either to the Lord’s
coming or our going — its cry is, “Thy Kingdom come!” What is the
Lord’s title when He comes? In what office does He come? We have said
that He is coming as King. No, He’s not. People testify that Jesus is
their Saviour, Healer, Baptizer and Coming King. But He is not a coming
King. When He comes He does not come as King. He is already King. He is
the King eternal. He rules over all. When He comes He comes as King of
kings. There is a great difference. Let us put Him where He belongs. Let
us not drag Him down to just a king level — for the world has had a
bumper crop of kings. He comes as King of kings. But I’m going to tell
you something — He had better come soon, because there are very few
kings left in the world at present! If the revolutions continue and He
waits any longer He will be unable to come as King of kings because there
will be no kings left! But that is not what He is talking about.
“John to the seven churches which are in
: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and
which is to come...and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and
the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.
Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and
hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father” (Rev. 1:4-6).
Ah, my beloved, are you loved? Are you washed? Then you are also kings!
Let me quote this passage to you another way. “Who hath made us beggars,
orphans, and sinners saved by grace, hoping to make heaven our home —
pray for us that we will hold out to the end.” Doesn’t that inspire,
challenge, and give you great comfort and hope? Read it with me — “and
hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father,” and in chapter
five He adds, “and we shall reign on the earth.” Oh, yes, He is truly
coming as King of kings — and WE ARE THE
GS. He is coming as Lord of lords — and WE ARE THE LORDS.
The Bible is a book of faith and hope. It looks, not backward or
downward, but forward and upward. Its face is ever set toward the Dawn. It
always points us toward the best that is yet to come — the completion,
maturity, fullness, consummation. In its first pages we read of the heaven
; of a time when mankind was free from pain, sorrow and evil, because man
was free from sin. While man walked in his primitive state of innocence
his home was a Garden — the
on earth. He was destined to reign splendidly over all realms from the
lowest to the highest, symbolized in the dominion given him over the
lowest realm of the fish of the sea, the higher realm of the beasts of the
earth, and the highest realm of all, the birds of the heavens. God was his
familiar Friend and intimate Father. But we read on a page or two and a
change comes over the order of things.
, the
on earth, disappears, becoming but a history recorded, a faint memory
beyond the pall that hangs over the mind of man. Joy, peace, glory, power
and life vanish, and leave in their wake sorrow, discord, weakness, shame
and death. When man sinned, pain, limitation, frustration and death
entered the world, man’s heavens grew black with clouds; God no longer
communed with him in the spirit of the Day, and he was driven out of the
Garden, at the gates of which the cherubim were posted with swords of
flame which pointed every way, as if to say, “No return, no return.”
Then Jesus came! The message He gave was the
. It was the center and circumference of all He taught and did. It was His
gospel, His good news. He lived and moved in the realm of sonship full and
complete. He lived and moved in the realm of the Kingdom which He came to
proclaim and which for three years or more He demonstrated in no small
part. He began His public ministry with preaching the gospel of God,
saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the
is at hand: repent and believe the good news.” On His first circuit
through Galilee, He taught in their synagogues, and preached the good news
of the Kingdom, Himself saying, “I must preach the good tidings of the
to the other cities also: for therefore was I sent.” On His second
circuit through Galilee, He went about through cities and villages,
preaching, healing, and bringing the good tidings of the
. On His third circuit through
, He went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
healing the sick, casting out devils, raising the dead, and proclaiming
the good news of the Kingdom. When He was near
, and saw the great multitudes who were as sheep having no shepherd, He
had compassion on them, and ministered to their needs, and spake to them
of the
. Even when He presented Himself alive following His crucifixion, by many
proofs, He appeared to His apostles during forty days, speaking of the
things concerning the
And as He, the firstborn Son of God, preached, so He would have His
many brethren preach. When He commissioned His Twelve, He sent them forth
two by two, and charged them, saying, “As ye go, preach, saying, The
Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the
dead and cast out devils.” When He commissioned the Seventy, He sent
them two by two before His face into every city and place, whither He
Himself was about to come, saying, “Into whatsoever city ye enter and
they receive you, cure the sick that are therein, and say to them, The
Kingdom of God is come nigh to you.” When He was traveling through
Peraea, and one of His disciples asked leave to go and bury his father,
the King said to him, “Follow me; leave the dead to bury their dead; but
do thou go and announce the Kingdom of God.” And as the King bade, so
His brethren did.
When the persecution arose about Stephen, Philip went down from
, and published the good news concerning the
. When Paul visited
, he entered into the synagogue, and spake boldly for three months,
reasoning and persuading as to the things concerning the
. When he summoned the Ephesian presbyters to meet him at
, he reminded them of his habit of going about among them preaching the
Kingdom. When he reached
, he summoned the leading Jews, and expounded to them the gospel,
testifying fully of the
. During the two whole years he lived in his own hired lodgings at
, he gladly welcomed all that went in to him, preaching the
. In his very last letter that has come down to us, he charges his son
Timothy before God, and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the
dead, to preach the word; and he emphasizes his charge by reminding
Timothy of Christ’s appearing and Kingdom.
The petition for the coming of the Kingdom brings us face to face
with the supreme concern and purpose in the heart of Jesus. The Kingdom
was His dearest dream, the one consuming passion of His life. As a child,
when He studied the holy scriptures and communed with His heavenly Father,
the reality of the
was birthed in His life and set the fires of expectation burning in His
soul. As He fulfilled His daily responsibilities, as He strolled in the
solitude of the green Galilean hills, the hope that constantly throbbed
within His breast and would not let Him go was that of the
. It was upon the Kingdom that He meditated when He went to worship at the
synagogue. It was of the Kingdom that He spoke to His Father in the secret
place of prayer. In the soul of Jesus the reign of God was supreme.
When Jesus turned aside from the carpenter shop that day, He set
out to proclaim the
. The Kingdom was ever His dominant theme. By deed and by example, no less
than by word, He toiled to expound it. With divine motivation He set out
to bring the
to pass in the earth. The world of His day was mad — pagan, vicious,
violent, wicked, and intolerant beyond description. His was the most
impossible task of which we can conceive. But He was convinced that by the
power of His Father all things are possible. He was absolutely sure that
God was stronger than the devil. He was absolutely certain that sin and
death in their every ghastly and hideous form should at last be driven out
of the world and that God should reign in every human breast from the
rivers to the ends of the earth. He longed, and bade us pray, that this
glorious consciousness of, and obedience to, God’s reign should be
shared by every man, woman, and child that lives or has ever lived. That,
surely, is what we ask when we pray as He taught us to pray, “Thy
Kingdom come!”
“Thy Kingdom come.” An incredible statement — three simple
words in both English and Greek, yet they open to us a realm so vast and
glorious that one approaches the thought like a little boy with a pail
standing before the fathomless seas, wondering how to fit it all into his
bucket. There is no way one can contain it, no way one can comprehend or
articulate all that is here. The preachers in the church systems have
misinterpreted this petition. They think that the prayer for God’s
Kingdom refers to the end of the world or the so-called second coming of
Christ. But when Jesus teaches us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” He is
not speaking of the end of the world, or the rapture of the saints, or the
return of Jesus, but the coming of the Kingdom. He means that we are to
pray that God may reign here upon the earth, yea, even here in this earth
which we are; that men here may acknowledge Him as King, that life here
may express and accomplish His will in earth as it is in heaven. “But
rather seek ye the
and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not little flock, for
it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Lk.
-32). Here it is revealed that it is God’s will that we participate in
or receive His Kingdom here on earth. I believe that every child of God
ought to know and be assured that he can walk in the power and presence of
today. One glorious day many years ago this message really struck home in
my life because I realized most Christians had the idea that the major
objective of God’s salvation was to qualify for an escape from off this
planet to go to heaven. In the Lord’s prayer, however, we are taught
that God’s Kingdom comes to the earth and that His will shall be done on
the earth as it is in heaven.
This is not a prayer that we might be taken away from this planet
to some far-off heaven somewhere, but it is a prayer that heaven may come
down to earth, that joy may swallow up sorrow, that peace may overtake
strife, that love may overcome hatred, that fullness may cancel
limitation, that weakness may be overwhelmed by might, that mortality may
be swallowed up of life, that sin may be banished by salvation, that the
knowledge of the glory of the Lord might cover the earth as the waters
cover the sea so that the earth itself and all within it may BECOME
HEAVENLY. It is a prayer for the “new earth wherein dwelleth
righteousness” as men’s lives are brought under the sway of the
which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
The dictionary defines “kingdom” as “a government or country
headed by a king or queen; a monarchical state; a realm or domain.” The
word “kingdom” is made up of the noun “king,” and the suffix “dom”.
“Dom” is a noun-forming suffix to express rank, position, or domain.
For example, a dukedom is the domain over which a duke has authority or
exercises rule, and in the abstract the rank of a duke. In like manner a
kingdom is the domain and the people within that domain over which a king
exercises authority and rule. It is the “king’s domain”.
“Kingdom” is thus a contraction of “king’s domain”. The term,
, can mean no other than the domain over which God exercises rule as King.
It is God’s declared purpose therefore that His people, His holy nation,
His peculiar treasure, should be the domain over which He would rule as
King, and ultimately all the earth and all things and every creature. The
Lord’s greatest dominion at this time is in the lives of His elect and
chosen ones. We are now becoming ruled and governed by the Lord totally
and absolutely. He has extended the dominion of His Kingdom to our hearts
and lives, and now the Lord will rule us with complete and undisputed
dominion. And He will continue to rule and reign in our lives until every
enemy within us is made subject to Him. This is the present truth of the
Many of us who do not come from a country where the king or queen
is sovereign, may have some difficulty grasping this idea of a kingdom.
But it should easily be understood that no king is a king unless he has a
kingdom to rule over. No sovereign is a sovereign without a state under
his control. The state is composed primarily of three things: people,
territory, and government. Without people, territory, and government no
man is a king. And though there be people and territory, except the king
TY — he has no kingdom and is not a king. The
, therefore, means the SOVEREIGN RULE OF GOD. When we pray, “Our
Father...Thy Kingdom come,” we are saying, “Our Father, You who art
Ruler in the realm of the Spirit, come and establish the conscious
awareness of your sovereignty as well in the hearts of us men on earth.
Your will be done in this earth which we are.” It means that there will
be a visible demonstration before men of the power of God to fully
transform. And viewing the reality that breaks forth, “It shall be said
in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save
us: this is the Lord; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice
in His salvation” (Isa. 25:9).
How glibly the masses in the church systems pray this prayer! It is
repeated hundreds of millions of times daily without any serious intention
of it happening. People pray it without the foggiest notion of what the
words mean, and have no disposition for it to be fulfilled in them
personally in any practical way. There is far too much at stake. When all
is said and done, most of us from our earliest childhood believe that we
are the king of our own castle. We want to do things “our way.” We
determine our own destinies, make our own decisions, chart our own course,
set our own goals, choose our own priorities, arrange our own affairs, and
govern our own lives. We become highly skilled specialists in selfish,
self-centered living where all life revolves around the epicenter of me,
I, mine. Millions sanctimoniously and religiously pray, “Thy Kingdom
come,” thinking it is something outside of themselves, is some distant
age, under other conditions — and have no intention whatever of
abdicating the throne of their own inner wills and hearts to the King of
Glory. They are utterly unwilling to surrender the sovereignty of their
lives to God. They are no more prepared to accept the sovereign rule of
Christ than were those men who shouted at His crucifixion, “We have no
king but Caesar!”
So, if I sincerely, earnestly, and genuinely beseech the Spirit of
God to rule in my life and experience, there to establish His Kingdom, I
can only expect that there will be a most tremendous confrontation. It is
a foregone conclusion that there will follow a formidable conflict between
His divine sovereignty and my self-willed ego. And this, precious friend
of mine, is the true BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON! S. D. Gordon ably stated it
this way: “With this prayer go two clauses that really particularize and
explain it. They are included in it, and are added to make more clear the
full intent. The first of these clauses gives the sweep of His will in the
broadest outlines. The second touches the opposition to that will both for
our individual lives and for the race and for the earth.
“The first clause is this, ‘Thy Kingdom come.’ The second
clause is, ‘Thy will be done.’ In both of these short sentences the
emphatic word is “THY”. That word is set in the sharpest possible
contrast here. There is another kingdom now on the earth. There is another
will being done. The other kingdom must go if God’s Kingdom is to come.
These kingdoms are antagonistic at every point of contact. They are rivals
for the same allegiance and the same territory. They cannot exist
together. ‘Thy Kingdom come’ of necessity includes this, ‘the other
kingdom go.’ ‘Thy Kingdom come’ means likewise, ‘Thy King come,’
for in the nature of things there cannot be a kingdom without a king. That
means again by the same inference, ‘the other prince go,’ the one who
makes pretensions to being the rightful heir to the throne. ‘Thy will be
done’ includes by the same inference this: ‘the other will be
undone.’ There are the two great wills at work in the world ever
clashing in the action of history and in our individual lives. In many of
us, yea, in all of us, though in greatly varying degree, these two wills
constantly clash. Man is the real battlefield. The pitch of the battle is
in his will. The greatest prayer then fully expressed, sweeps first the
whole field of action, then touches the heart of the action, and then
attacks the opposition. It is this: THY Kingdom come, THY will be
done’” — end quote. When I pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” I am
willing to relinquish the rule of my life, my own will, my own ways, to
give up governing my own affairs, to abstain from controlling my own
destiny in order to allow the indwelling Christ to be raised up within me
as the personality of my being.
The word “kingdom” is from the Greek word BASILEIA meaning
“rule” or “reign”. Sometimes I wish that everywhere the word
appears in scripture it had been translated “reign” or “kingly
rule”. I think that says something that “kingdom” does not, at least
to our modern minds. Kingdom makes us think of land and people, of riding
horses, pomp and ceremony, maidens and knights, castles and motes and
walls and laws and all of that. Even Pilate asked Jesus if He were a king,
implying, “What kind of a king are you?” Jesus replied, “My Kingdom
is not of this world — that is, my Kingdom is not after the order and
systems of earthly kingdoms. It is the rule of God by the Spirit.”
To the first believers “evangelism” was merely the sharing of
good news. In fact, “evangel” or “gospel” means good news. The
good news of a new and marvelous Friend — the man Jesus who had walked
the roads of Galilee with them, helped them mend their nets by the
lakeside, played with their children, healed their sick, even raised their
dead, talked to them in familiar yet fascinating words about the Kingdom
of God — the glorious new order of the reign of God where sin, sickness,
oppression, cruelty, war, famine, and death would pass away and all men
would live in righteousness, peace, joy and power in the Holy Ghost.
There is very special meaning and deep mystery in the words, “Our
Father...Thy Kingdom come.” Earth is full of misery, sin and death. Many
are the schemes of science and politics for correcting and mending
matters, and God knows they need mending. Each man has his own nostrum,
every quack his own panacea — but every council and summit, every
invading army and self-assertive leader, every carnal effort of man leaves
God and His Christ out of account, making every plan doomed to failure. We
shall mend matters only by finding God as reality, and deliverance comes
only when HE is enthroned as King.
Someone says, “But — is not God King now? Is not the world His?
Are not all men in His sovereign hands? Does not the Most High rule over
all? Has He not always been King?” That is perfectly true! I do not
forget for one moment that even now the earth is the Lord’s and the
fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. “God is King of
all the earth” (Ps. 47:7). He is a King upon His throne. “God sitteth
upon the throne of His holiness” (Ps. 47:8). He has a regal title, high
and mighty. “Thus saith the high and lofty One” (Isa. 57:15). He has
the ensigns of royalty. He has His scepter. “A scepter of righteousness
is the scepter of Thy Kingdom” (Heb. 1:8). He has His royal crown. “On
His head were many crowns” (Rev. 19:12). He has His jura regalia, His
kingly prerogatives. He has power to make laws, to seal pardons, which are
the flowers and jewels belonging to His crown. Thus the Lord is King. He
is a great King. “For the Lord is a great King above all gods” (Ps.
95:3). He is great in and of Himself; and not like other kings, who are
made great by their subjects. That He is so great a King appears by the
immensity of His Being. “Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the
Lord” (Jer.
). His center is everywhere, His circumference is nowhere, He is nowhere
excluded; He is immensely great that “the heaven of heavens cannot
contain Him” (I Kings
). His greatness is manifest by the demonstration of His power. “He made
heaven and earth” (Ps. 124:8). With a breath He can crumble us to dust;
with a word He can unpin the world, and break the axis of it in pieces.
God is a glorious King. “Who is this King of glory? The Lord of
hosts, He is the King of glory” (Ps. 24:10). He has internal glory.
“The Lord reigneth, He is clothed with majesty” (Ps. 93:1). Other
kings have royal and sumptuous apparel to make them appear glorious to
beholders, but all their magnificence is borrowed; God is clothed with His
own majesty; His own glorious essence is instead of royal robes, and “He
hath girded Himself with strength.” Kings have their guard about them to
defend their person, because they are not able to defend themselves; but
God needs no guard or assistance from others. “He hath girded Himself
with strength.” His own power is His lifeguard. “Who in the heaven can
be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened
unto the Lord?” (Ps. 89:6). He has a pre-eminence above all other kings
for majesty. He has the highest throne, the richest crown, the largest
dominions, and the longest possession. “He hath on His vesture a name
written, KING OF
GS” (Rev. 19:16). “The Lord sitteth King forever” (Ps. 29:10).
Angels serve Him, all the kings of the earth hold their crowns and diadems
by immediate tenure from this great King. “By me kings reign” (Prov.
). What a mighty and glorious King! As someone has written:
we deliberate, He reigns.
we decide wisely, He reigns.
we decide foolishly, He reigns.
we serve Him humbly, loyally, He reigns.
we serve Him self-assertively, He reigns.
we rebel and seek to withhold our service, He reigns.
At a given moment in history it may seem to be true that the
rulership of the world is not in the hands of God but in the hands of
selfish and ruthless men. Caesar sits securely on his throne; Christ
perishes on a cross. So it appears. But not so. It was easy for the Roman
Governor, Pilate, to make this mistake. How very impressive an empire that
covered the whole of Europe and reached into Africa and
! How very substantial-looking those palaces and basilicas, those arches
and amphitheaters, those roads and aqueducts and suburban villas which
contributed to the grandeur of the city men called eternal! How very great
and far-reaching and impregnable the power of Caesar! It was easy for
Pilate to think
was reality. Nevertheless, it is God, and not Caesar, who reigns. It is
, and not any earthly empire, that endures. In the New Testament it is
said of Christ that He is the stone which the builders rejected but which
God has made the cornerstone of creation. It is also said, “He that
falleth on this stone shall be broken to pieces.” And it appears to be
so. On that stone the
Roman empire
fell, and was broken to pieces.
What consolation and understanding is inspired by the blessed
knowledge that in spite of all the bluster and might exhibited by the
kingdom of darkness, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth! But, dear one, if
you will examine the basis of that Kingship, the Kingship of the Lord from
the beginning of the world, you will find that it rests on God’s
Creatorship. He is Lord of the world and men and rules and overrules in
all their doings because He is their Creator with divine plan and purpose
for their destiny. But God wants to be King in and by Jesus Christ —
that is to say, He wants to be King by virtue not of His power, but of His
love. He wants men to reverence and obey Him not because they are afraid
of Him, not because they are out-witted and out-maneuvered by Him, not
because they cannot help themselves, but because they love Him. It is
reconciliation, union, oneness with man that the heart of God is after.
Let us meditate deeply upon these words: “Our Father...Thy
Kingdom come.” Whose Kingdom is it? Ah, it is “our Father’s”
Kingdom. Not the Kingdom of the Lord God of the Old Testament, not the
, but the
our Father
. Of our Father it is written, “God is love.” “For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son...” In other words, God so
loved the world that He BECAME A FATHER! “Behold, what manner of love
the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of
God.” “Who hath delivered us from the rule of darkness, and hath
transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love.” Oh, the
Father’s Kingdom is a Kingdom of love! Yahweh’s Kingdom was a Kingdom
of power. God wants to be King not because He is Creator, but because He
is Father. He wants men to be obedient to Him, not because He has
omnipotent power and can do anything He wants and have His way with men,
but under the sweet constraint of love. God has been King by His position
as Creator since the world began; but now He will become King by the
position of Father. It is for this Kingdom that sons are instructed to
pray — for the event in which all men everywhere shall realize what
God’s Fatherhood means, for the circumstances in which men’s hearts
shall be so touched by God’s love to them in Jesus Christ, that out of
the response of their own hearts they shall return from the far country to
Father’s house and out of a pure and genuine affection will render Him a
willing and glad obedience.
The prayer, “Thy Kingdom come,” points to the Kingdom as
something still to be realized. How can that which is already fully
realized be requested to come? As yet it is in some way in the future. And
yet, in other places in the scriptures it is spoken of as actually
existent, a present reality. How can this be? The reality is, both
premises are true — the Kingdom is both present and future. There are
many indications that for Jesus the
was not only future but present, not only coming but already beginning to
come. According to Mark, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming good news
from God and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the
is at hand: repent ye, and believe the good news.” A number of eminent
scholars believe that Mark’s Greek requires it to be translated, “The
Kingdom of God has come.” For example, “If I by the Spirit of God cast
out demons, then is the Kingdom of God come upon you,” or “has
overtaken you” (Goodspeed), or “has reached you already” (Moffatt).
Again, “Verily I say unto you, that the publicans and the harlots
go (or “are going” — Moffatt, as also Goodspeed) into the
before you” — not will go into some future Kingdom some day, but are
even now entering the Kingdom that is. I do not hesitate to tell you that
the Kingdom of the Father came when Jesus of Nazareth appeared among men.
It came in the truth that He revealed. It came in the love that He made
manifest. It came in the redeeming power that worked through Him, by which
the blind were made to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the dead
to live again, and the poor had good news brought to them and the sinful
and despairing were lifted up into a new life of hope and glory. This
power is now in the world, available to all men and able to save to the
uttermost. The
is here! It is for us to receive it “as a little child,” as Jesus
said. You remember that when the Pharisees asked Jesus when the
should come, He answered, “The Kingdom of God cometh not with
observation...for lo, the
is within you.” The Pharisees were treating as future what was already
present. The
was right there within them if they could have understood it. “But,”
you object, “surely the
was not within those carnal, hateful, legalistic, Christ-rejecting
Pharisees!” Some say that the correct translation should be: “For the
is in your midst,” or “among you,” meaning that the Kingdom was
present in their midst in the person of Jesus, “among” them but not
“within” them. It cannot be denied — the Kingdom was indeed present
among them in the very life of the Son of God, the King of glory! But that
is not the meaning of this passage.
The clearest meaning of the Greek can always be ascertained by
usage. The way a word is used reveals its true meaning — the meaning
that the Holy Spirit of inspiration puts upon it, not the meaning our
English translators give it. It is a thing of wonder — the Holy Spirit
has faithfully, powerfully and indisputably recorded for us the precise
meaning of the word here translated “within”. The Greek word is ENTOS
meaning simply, according to Strong’s concordance, “inside; within.”
The word is used in only one other place in the whole New Testament, in
Matthew 23:26. It is the Lord Jesus Himself that uses the word on both
occasions, and notice what He says. “Woe unto you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and
platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind
Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within (entos) the cup and platter,
that the outside of them may be clean also.” No one can argue that ENTOS
means “in the midst” or “among” in this place — it clearly means
“within”. “Within” is contrasted with the “outside” of the cup
and platter and plainly speaks of the pollution within the hearts of men,
not in their midst or among them. The evil in men is not something apart
from them or outside of them but something rooted deeply in the inward
The question follows — how could Jesus say to the same Pharisees
that both corruption was within them and the
was within them! It sounds like a contradiction. But it isn’t. Paul
spoke of a dual reality within man when he said, “For I delight in the
law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members,
warring against the law of my (spiritual) mind, and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is in my members” (Rom. 7:22-23).
Little wonder that he cried out, “O wretched man that I am!” It is
really very simple. The carnal, soulish heart of man is the seat of all
uncleanness, just as the deeper spirit of man is the root of all
godliness. So it is not surprising that the Pharisees failed to discover
the presence of the Kingdom within them, for they were not walking after
the spirit, but after the flesh. Yet they were potentially capable of
So note — not to the disciples who followed Him and kept His
sayings, but to the Pharisees in their spiritual blindness He spoke these
amazing words: “The
is within you.” Yes, the Kingdom was indeed “within them,” as a
bright and radiant possibility. This appeals to me, in a sense, as the
most beautiful thing Jesus ever said. Consider what the Kingdom of Heaven
was in His thought — the most pure, and perfect, and heavenly of all
existing possible realities; then consider that He said this to His
implacable enemies, and to the men, who, in their lives, exemplified the
exact opposite of what He had come to reveal and establish. Within these
men — religious intellectuals and scholars, hypocrites, men hateful and
hating — there slumbered this lovely and lovable thing — the Kingdom
of the spirit. They were possible members of that Kingdom; in their
spirits were all the materials necessary for the development of the
. I cannot emphasize too strongly that the
is the Kingdom of the spirit, for God is spirit. Buried deep within every
man is the spirit that has come from God, for every man is body, soul, and
The Bible says that “God is the Father of the spirits of all
flesh” (Num. 27:16; Heb. 12:9). We might ask, “Who, really, is
entitled to think of God as Father?” God is the Father of all men. Some
men walk as children of the devil, for they walk after the flesh, after
the serpent nature. But God is still the Father of their spirit. There is
a special sense in which God is the Father only of those who are reborn of
Him through the Holy Spirit of re-generation. To these He gives, in a
blessedly unique sense, the “spirit of adoption” or the revelation of
their sonship, whereby they cry, “Abba, Father!” The Holy Spirit
quickens their spirit to know that they are sons of God and to enable them
to walk in that realm. Nevertheless, the fact remains, universal and
unalterable, that God is the Father of the spirits of all men. If we had
no spirit from God the Holy Spirit would be unable to quicken our spirit
and make it alive unto Him. Father Adam is declared by the Spirit of
inspiration to be “the son of God” (Lk.
). He is indeed a “prodigal son.” But not withstanding his
disobedience and banishment from Father’s house, he has never ceased to
be a son; the Father, notwithstanding His anger and punishment, has never
ceased to be a Father. And He is a loving and tender and gracious Father
who waits patiently for every prodigal to come home. And they will come
home! Blessed be His name. How precious beyond words to express is the
blessed truth that God life abides within every man down in the depths of
his spirit, although most men walk not after the spirit, but after the
flesh. It is there, in man’s spirit, that the
is to be found. There is the root, the base, the seed, the fountainhead of
God’s life and God’s rule. The
is truly within every man — but he knows it not, and therefore walks
unheeding its claims and powers. But if ever he discovers that Kingdom of
Life and Light and Love, he discovers it within as his spirit is quickened
by God’s Spirit, his consciousness awakened to the Kingdom of the spirit
While the
is thus present, it is also still future. Its full realization has yet to
come. So long as there is in this world one man who has not surrendered
unto the spirit of Christ, so long as there is a single area of life that
has not been brought into subjection to the law of the spirit of life in
Christ Jesus, so long will the Kingdom be unrealized, so long shall we
need to pray this prayer, “Thy Kingdom come!” All the misery of this
world is due to the fact that there are still multitudes of men and women
walking after the flesh, there are whole arenas of human activity that are
not birthed out of, or controlled by, the Spirit. The Kingdom is still
imperfect, incomplete. Its full establishment lies in the future
somewhere. Until that full establishment takes place, until God is
experientially King everywhere and over everybody and everything in the
union of love, the world’s “golden age” will not have arrived. For
the elect of God the Day has dawned! The Sun of Righteousness has arisen
within our hearts! Our old heavens and our old earth have passed away. We
live now in a
New World
, we sing now a New Song, our night has turned to Day. Darkness has flown
away, sin and sorrow and death are swallowed up, God has wiped all tears
from off our faces, and all things are made new! This is the present
glorious and eternal reality of the sons of God in this wonderful Day of
the Lord! This is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory of God within
His chosen ones.
If I did not believe in the ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God
in all realms and everywhere and over every thing throughout the
vastnesses of infinity, and if I believed that this world was to continue
to be misruled and misgoverned as it is; if I believed that sin and sorrow
and death and wicked men and vile institutions were to continue unto the
end, I should despair of humanity and of God. But God never gives up. God
reigns! The good news which our Lord Jesus Christ came to preach is
“good tidings of great joy to all people.” Praise God for the good
news! God reigns! — that is the good news. God shall be Victor! God
shall put every enemy under His feet and our feet! He is Lord of ALL!
The gospel that Jesus preached was the gospel of the Kingdom. He
announced that He had come to found a Kingdom; He claimed the title of
King for Himself; and in the Sermon on the Mount He gave us the laws, the
principles, the very constitution of that Kingdom. Well, what kind of a
Kingdom is it? Across millenniums of time the answer of the great apostle
Paul rings clear: “The
is Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.” There you have in
one sublime statement the essence of the Kingdom. The
is righteousness, or, in other words, right-ness. There is cruel wrong in
this world of ours. Man wrongs man, brother oppresses brother, nations war
against and oppress one another, bosses become hard taskmasters, taking
advantage of employees, pastors lord it over the flock and control and
manipulate congregations, husbands beat and abuse their wives. The low
realms of the earth are full of cruelty, maliciousness, violence and
crime, and even in the midst of those who name the name of Christ there is
iniquity also. But the
is righteousness and when His Kingdom comes, tyranny, oppression, strife,
injustice and wrongs cease — men do right out of the loving nature of
the King who reigns within. Forgiveness of sins does not secure such a
transformation, but when the Kingdom of God comes with power, there is a
mighty change!
Righteousness is right attitude, right motive, right living out of
the spirit. You see, my beloved, it is not just righteousness by man’s
standard, not external obedience to the law, not outward conformity to
society’s norms, not mere human goodness. There is more than one kind of
righteousness. Paul says, “For they being ignorant of God’s
righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have
not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God” (Rom. 10:3). The
is “righteousness...IN THE HOLY G
!” It is the righteousness that comes by a new spirit, a right spirit,
or Holy Spirit. It is the righteousness of God Himself, a new nature. You
can know righteousness, peace, and joy through the Holy Spirit while you
live in
, Europe,
, or any place on this earth. These are not realities in heaven or in the
millennium. The Holy Spirit does not say that “the
is righteousness...IN THE MILLENNIUM.” Nor does He say, “The Kingdom
of God is the KINGDOM AGE.” Too long preachers and
believers have interpreted the
as a future, physical, materialistic Kingdom, ordered by external laws,
attainable in a future age or after death. God wants you to understand
today that His Kingdom is not to be sought in that realm. That would make
His Kingdom too cheap, materialistic, natural, worldly and earthly. All
that the Kingdom is IN THE HOLY GHOST! That is why it is both the
and the
. God is spirit, high above the earthly realm. Heaven far surpasses a
place or locality somewhere out in the universe. Heaven is not a planet
beyond the Milky Way. Heaven is a real dimension — the dimension of
God’s own life. Heaven is the result of the presence of God and we can
know and experience that realm right here on earth. When you enter into
the consciousness of God by the spirit you have stepped upon the territory
of the Kingdom. It is in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!
is peace — peace in the heart, peace of soul, peace with God, peace
between men, peace between nations. What is peace? Is peace real? What is
its appearance? Have you ever seen peace? Is it long or short? Is it fat
or skinny? Ah, peace is spirit. You cannot see peace apart from its effect
upon people and circumstances. You can know when peace is present. You can
sense peace, but you cannot touch or handle it. There is more than one
level of peace. There is a soulish peace which men experience in a
psychological way. It is a peace generated out of the conditioning or
influencing of the mind, will, emotions and desires. It is the peace
attained on a restful vacation, in the silence of the evening watching a
sunset, on a psychologist’s couch, relaxing with the television at night
after the kids are all tucked in, or hiking a mountain trail. These and
many other things give peace — but none of them have anything whatsoever
to do with the
. The
is not just peace — it is peace IN THE HOLY GHOST. It is God’s peace.
It is heaven’s peace. It is divine peace. It is peace that passeth
understanding. It is peace that rules our lives and keeps our hearts in
the very midst of calamity, pain, disappointment, trouble, problems,
difficulties and testings. It is a peace so deep that it comes only out of
the spirit. It holds us steady, calm and confident in the blasts of hell.
It is peace in the Holy Ghost. It is the
and the
is joy. Can joy be found in the world today? Certainly. But just as there
is more than one kind of righteousness and more than one kind of peace,
there is more than one type of joy. There is a superficial soulish joy
experienced by every man, woman and child on earth irrespective of whether
they be saint or sinner, moral or immoral, or what god they serve. It is
the joy of a loved one coming home, the joy of a wedding, the joy of a
newborn baby, the joy of the amusement park and the dance floor, the joy
of delightful children who are an honor to their parents, the joy of
accomplishment and recognition. Soulish joy is often a religious joy
inspired by the singing of peppy choruses over and over and the clapping
of the hands. There is nothing wrong with such joy, but if it can be
“worked up” it is soulish, not spiritual. While such activity may be
done “as unto the Lord” it should not be confused with the
. Many good things bring soulish joy to our lives, but none of these have
any relationship to the
. You see, the
is not merely joy — it is joy IN THE HOLY GHOST. It is God’s joy. It
is heaven’s joy. It is divine joy. It is spiritual joy. It is joy
unspeakable. We are the people of God. We are the vessels that contain the
Spirit of God. To have a conscious revelation of what Christ is in you
arouses the consciousness of the
. When you walk in the spirit, you are walking in the power of the Kingdom
of Heaven. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the
sons of God” (Rom.
). The sons of God are also called “the sons of the Kingdom.” When the
Holy Spirit rules us, what other son could we be? The Spirit of Christ has
come to rule our senses and our body. Christ is being raised up within us
as the personality and power of our lives. We can now live and walk above
every storm and trouble, above all weakness and limitation, yea, above
even sin and death! Tears are wiped away from off all faces and there is
joy unspeakable and full of glory as the Kingdom rules our lives!
is IN THE HOLY GHOST! By J. Preston Eby.
Writings in This Series:
