- J.
Preston Eby -
"And a river went out
of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and came into
four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth
the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land
is good: there is bdellium (pearl) and the onyx stone. And the name of the
second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of
Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which
goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates"
(Gen. 2:10-14).
In connection with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden,
we are told of a remarkable river that had its source in Eden, but on
flowing out of the garden divided itself into four branches. How many
times throughout the scriptures God is spoken of as a flowing stream of
water! "The children of men... shall be abundantly satisfied with the
fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the rivers of Thy
pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life" (Ps. 36:7-9). The
Lord Jesus tells us that the water that He gives will become a fountain of
living water within us, springing up unto eternal life (Jn. 4:14). He says
again that whoever is thirsty may come to Him and drink, and whoever
believes on Him will have rivers of living water flowing from within him
(Jn. 7:37-39). All these words relate to one thing - that God flowing from
within him (Jn. 7:37-39). All these words relate to one thing – that God
Himself has flowed out and is still flowing on this earth into humanity as
The scriptures tell us that along this river in Eden grows the tree
of life. The tree of life represents the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The
tree of life represents Christ as our Life through His Living word. It is
interesting to note that the tree of life could only be partaken of in
Eden. None can experience the glorious and eternal reality of what it
means to be transformed into the TREE OF LIFE KIND OF PEOPLE except as
they eat of Christ, being made one with Him in the Kingdom of
Heaven Realm. This realm of the fullness of Life is reserved for those who
go all the way with God to become ONE IN HIM. Nowhere does the scripture
state that any sinner may rush in and, by grace, eat the incorruptible
fruit of this blessed tree. Jesus specified who may eat of it, saying,
"He that hath ears let him hear... TO HIM THAT OVERCOMETH will I give
to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of
God" (Rev. 2:7).
Eden, the garden of God's Christ, the source of all Life, is
constituted debtor to the whole earth to send forth the wonderful Life as
Life-giving streams of grace and salvation. Thus, the river of life out of
Eden is the profound expression of God's purpose to not only enter into
the lives of His ELECT, transforming them into the tree of life kind of
people, but to further bring forth in the earth a RIVER OF LIFE COMPANY, a
people out of whom the life of the Spirit should flow! Yes, beloved, God
is bringing forth His elect who shall be a RIVER OF LIFE, for He Himself
in them is an ever-flowing wellspring of life and glory. Wherever God
flows out by His Spirit, there He is found as salvation and reality. To
all of man's need God Himself is the supply, the only supply, and all the
supply, bless His wonderful name!
By inspiration of the Holy Spirit the beloved apostle John
identified Eden's lovely River with that which flows forth out of the New
Jerusalem, the ruling city of God's overcoming people. "And He showed
me a pure river of WATER OF LIFE, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the
throne of God and of the Lamb. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And
let him that is athirst come... and take of the WATER OF LIFE freely"
(Rev. 22:1,17).
This wonderful River is the River of the WATER OF LIFE, God's own
life, divine, eternal, and incorruptible. All Bible truth is great and
precious. No costly gem of earth can compare its value to the priceless
worth of truth. In the vast storehouse of truth embodied in the holy
scriptures no part nor phase thereof is in any way more outstanding or
precious than the truth concerning the Water of Life. This great and
eternal verity sparkles with ever increasing splendor, surging as an
inexhaustible River of Life from Eden's perfumed garden of long ago to the
jasper walls of the New Jerusalem, where, unto ages of ages the Spirit and
the bride shall sing the everlasting song so old and yet so new: "Let
him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of the Water of
Life freely!" This glad song of joy shall be hymned until the day in
which this River shall have so overflowed its banks that the glory of the
Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea and God Himself
shall be ALL IN ALL.
In the manner designed by God from the creation of the world all
spiritual truth runs parallel with the mysteries and marvels of the
natural creation. Even in this physical realm water is without
doubt one of the most precious commodities brought forth by the hand of
Omnipotence. I am sure that all who are reading this article are aware
that water is a substance that exist everywhere on, in and around the
earth and it is absolutely necessary to life; without it there would be no
life. All living things, both plant and animal, must have water. The human
body is composed of two-thirds water. Blood and other fluids in our bodies
are composed mostly of water. To maintain this high level of water in our
bodies, we drink so much water that if the amount we drink each year were
weighed it would amount to about a ton. The earth itself is more than
two-thirds water. Much of the earth's surface is covered by oceans and
seas. In other parts there are rivers, lakes, streams and ponds. Water is
a chemical compound because it is made up of two different elements, or
basic substances. The elements are both gases, hydrogen and oxygen, but
when they are together in the proper quantity, two atoms of hydrogen to
every atom of oxygen, they make water. The chemical name, or formula, for
water is H2O.
As natural water is a compound of two natural elements, with godly
awe I now tell you that God's Water of Life is likewise made up of the two
SPIRITUAL ELEMENTS of the Spirit and the Word. How
remarkable that water is used in the scriptures as the symbol not only for
the Spirit of God but also for the Word of God! Surely this shows us that
both the Spirit and the Word are compounded together as the Living Water.
The Lord Jesus tells us that whoever is thirsty may come unto Him and
drink, and whoever believes on Him will have RIVERS OF LIVING WATER
flowing from within him and then in the simplest of terms He explains that
this Water IS THE SPIRIT which they that believe on Him should receive
(Jn. 7:37-39). Paul, on the other hand, speaks of water being a symbol of
the WORD OF GOD, saying, "Christ... loved the church, and gave
Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse t by the washing of
water by THE WORD" (Eph. 5:25-26). In a similar usage Jesus also
spoke of the water of the Word when He said to His disciples, "Now ye
are clean through the WORD which I have spoken unto you" (Jn.
On one occasion our blessed Lord had been speaking of Himself as
the Bread of Life, and of His flesh and blood as the meat and drink of
eternal Life. To many of His disciples it was a hard saying, which they
could not understand. Jesus tells them that it is only when the Holy
Spirit is come, and they have Him, that His Words will become clear to
them. He says, "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh
profiteth nothing. The Words that I have spoken unto you, they
are Spirit, and they are Life" (Jn. 6:63). May I explain that it
is the SPIRIT THAT QUICKENETH (THE WORD!) Just as hydrogen and oxygen must
be joined before there can be life-giving water, so the Spirit and the
Word must be joined, and received in that union, before there can be any
flowing of Living Water. In these words we have the nearest approach to
what may be called a definition of the Spirit. The Spirit always acts as a
Life-giving power. It is of deepest importance to keep firm hold on this.
His wonderful work within, of enlightening, strengthening, sanctifying and
transforming, is all rooted in this: it is as the Spirit is known and
honored, and place given to Him, as He is waited on, as the inner Life of
our being, that all God's gracious workings can be experienced. The
development of the New Creation is but the outgrowth of the Life Within.
Jesus applies this saying now specially to the Words He had just
spoken about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. You will see at once
that it is not just eating His flesh OR drinking His blood that gives
life, but "Whose eateth My flesh, AND drinketh My blood, hath eternal
Life" (Jn. 6:54). His flesh is His Word and His blood is His Spirit.
"The WORDS that I have spoken unto you ARE SPIRIT AND ARE LIFE."
This is the Spirit and the Word joined together as LIFE. He wanted His
disciples to not be discouraged if they could not at once comprehend His
Words to them. His Words are Spirit and Life; they are not meant for
understanding, but for Life! Coming in the power of the unseen Spirit,
higher and deeper than all thought, they enter into the very depths of
being, into the very roots of the life; they have themselves a divine
Life, working out effectually with a divine energy the Truth they express
into the experience of those who receive them. How often we have this
experience of the Word as a Life, receiving it into our spirit, sensing it
working within, deep in the inner recesses of being; teaching,
strengthening, transforming, yet not really understanding the Word with
our minds nor being able to even articulate it to those around us.
More often than not, when a
Word is clearly understood with the mind it becomes mere head-knowledge
and I do not hesitate to say that all head-knowledge is only knowledge of
the carnal mind and to be carnally minded is death. As a
consequence of the spiritual nature of the Word, the Word needs a
spiritual nature to receive it. Not into the mind only, nor into the
feelings, nor into the emotions, nor even into the will alone must the
Word be taken, but beyond them into the life. It is the Spirit that comes
from God, the Spirit that Christ has poured out, becoming our Life, taking
the Word and assimilating it into our life, that will make it become Truth
and Power within us.
Man cannot drink either hydrogen or oxygen alone, but compounded he
drinks both of them together as water. Can we not now see from this that a
man can not receive either the Spirit or the Word independent of the
other and have spiritual Life? Can we not see from this that only as
the Spirit and the Word are joined within do we have the Water of Life? To
take in the Word apart from the Spirit leads to legalism. To
receive the Spirit without the Word leads to fanaticism. It is my
conviction that the true spiritual formula is: S2W – two
parts Spirit to one part of the Word makes LIVING WATER! To try and
separate these two spiritual elements leads to either right-hand errors or
left-hand errors. On the one side we have the left error: seeking the
teaching of the Spirit without the Word. On the other side we have the
right-hand and more common error: seeking to master the teaching of the
Word apart from the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God. The Spirit
and the Word must be in each other or THEY CANNOT BE ASSIMILATED by
man as Life. The Holy Spirit has for all ages embodied the thoughts of God
in the Written Word, and lives now for that very purpose in our hearts,
there to quicken the meaning and the power of that Word. If you would be
full of the Spirit, dear ones, be full of the Word. If you would have the
divine Life of the Spirit within you grow strong, and acquire power in
every part of your nature, let the WORD OF CHRIST dwell richly in you. If
you would have the eternal Word as your Light and Life, let the Living
Word of God be transcribed on
the fleshy tables of your heart by the Holy Spirit.
Think not for one moment that any Word of God can unfold its Life
within you, excepts as the Spirit within accepts and appropriates it in
the inner life. How much of the Bible reading, and Bible study, and Bible
preaching is there in which the first and main object is for the mind
to reach the meaning of the Word? Men think if they know correctly
and exactly what it means, there will come as natural consequence
the Life the Word is supposed to bring. My brother, my sister, this is by
no means the case! The Word and the Spirit are, indeed, the Water of Life,
but one may have a whole river of earth's most pure and sparkling water;
he may understand everything about the meaning of the water: its source,
its chemical make-up, its multiplied beneficent uses, etc., etc., yet
unless it be assimilated by something which can be quickened by it,
unless there is that quickening, it ministers nothing of life. You can
pour literal Niagaras of the Water of Life upon the carnal mind and it
will be as barren and fruitless as if you had poured water upon a slab of
marble, for the carnal mind receiveth not the things of the Spirit
of God, neither can it know them, for they are spiritually discerned
(I Cor. 2:14; Rom. 8:7).
"The Words I have spoken unto you are Spirit and Life,"
and for the appropriating and apprehending of them "the flesh
profiteth nothing: it is the Spirit that quickeneth." It is a sad
fact that the vast majority of Christians today have not yet learned this
one important truth: the human understanding of the carnal mind, however
intelligent, however educated, however earnest, however religious, profiteth
nothing. Nothing! Multiplied millions think that in the mental
believing of the scriptures, in the acceptance of particular creeds and
doctrine, and in the performance of particular rituals and ceremonies and
religious exercises of the churches they have Life; but the Living Christ,
in the power of the unified Spirit and Word, as their Life, they
know not at all or but precious little. Let us never take even the
scripture into our hand, or mind, or mouth, without it first being joined
with the breath of the quickening Spirit that it may flow in deeper than
all thought and understanding, into the depths of being, into the very
roots of the Life. In this, and only in this, do we experience the
flowing, cleansing, refreshing, revitalizing, renewing and quickening
power of the WATER OF LIFE.
Should you find difficulty in perceiving this necessary point of
truth, may I direct your attention to the fact that without water you will
die within a few days, and anything that does not contain water cannot
possibly meet this vital need of your body. We must realize that in all
our spiritual walk we must follow the strict path of LIFE. How we can know
what is of God and what is not of God? How can we discern different
ministries? How can we tell which doctrine or teaching is right? There are
ways to know! First of all the Christ in you must be contacted by the
Christ in the ministry or the teaching. There must be a flow of Life. If
there is no quickening flow of Life then you are not receiving Living
Water! There are many things that are true but they are not the Truth.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (Jn. 14:6).
Now Truth always brings Life because Christ is the Truth and Christ is
also the Life. Truth always brings Life but there are things that are true
that can sometimes bring death. For example, if I robbed a bank this
morning, and if someone stood up in your fellowship next Sunday to tell
how Preston Eby robbed a bank, would it bring you Life? Would you say,
"Hallelujah, praise the Lord for that Word, we are blessed!" Do
you see what I am saying? The word would be true – a fact – but it
would not minister Life. Therefore, though it would be true it would not
be the Truth, for the Truth and the Life are one, the Spirit and the Word
are joined together in the Living Water! There are so many things that are
true, but they are not the Truth and if you live in them you will die.
Truth brings Life and because we are the children of Truth we desire Life.
The difference is just this: facts may be true, but (Truth) is REALITY.
REALITY is the very substance of all that is eternal. Facts are knowledge
about things, but facts are not Reality!
And now may I exhort you further to flee from those things that are
true but are not Truth, as surely and swiftly as you would flee from your
home if you discovered it to be a den of rattlesnakes. We have a whole
crop of doom-casters in the land today who spend their time and energy in
nothing else but informing God's ELECT of all the negative situations
which are going to overtake our nation and the world. Many of the Lord's
precious people are continually being fed a diet of messages, articles,
books, and tapes about world conditions, politics, Middle-east intrigue,
communist encroachment, oil crisis, economic collapse, international
monetary systems, World Bank conspiracies, mark of the beast implants
(laser scanned), world take-over by the Illuminati, European Union Beast
Government, strikes, riots, war, tribulation, retreat hide-outs, safe
areas, depression-proof investments, food storage, self-sufficient living
off the land, planetary conjunctions, nova of the sun, earthquakes, tidal
waves, pestilence, erratic weather conditions, wickedness, catastrophe,
antichrist, dates for the beginning of the tribulation or the end of the
age and a whole catalog of other fearful and frightening events, some of
which will undoubtedly happen, but many of which I tell you now are
nothing more than wild and sensational speculations conceived in the
darkness of the carnal minds of men who love to masquerade as end time
teachers and prophets of God, bewitching the saints.
Let every child of God who has had birthed within his bosom the
beautiful hope of sonship turn the searchlight of sincerity and truth upon
his pure heart and ask himself this one honest question: Do any of the
above mentioned things minister LIFE? Does the knowing and study of them
cause you to be more filled with the Spirit? Do they enable you to put on
the mind of Christ? Do they work deliverance in your life? Do they work to
transform you into the image of God's Son? Do they imbue you with wisdom
and spiritual understanding, with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy
Ghost? Do they inspire you with that ever-increasing faith by which you
shall conquer every enemy and lay hold upon your adoption as a SON OF GOD?
Are they TRUTH, Life-giving Truth, or are they one and all, merely things
that are true – facts – or, perhaps, may be true?
I pray that the truth and force of these questions may grip your
believing heart! It is important in this hour at the dawn of the Kingdom
that our thoughts be God's thoughts and that our words be God's
Words of Spirit and Life. One of the unmistakable marks of a son is
that he speaks the Words of the Father. The mind that dwelt in Christ
Jesus during His thirty-three years upon this earth was the Father's mind.
For this reason He was able to say, "For I have not spoken of Myself;
but the Father which sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say,
and what I should speak. And I know that His commandment is LIFE
everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto
Me, so speak I" (Jn. 12:49-50). How could He do otherwise when the
Father's mind possessed Him? When we walk in unity of mind and spirit with
the Father, the words of our mouths automatically become the Life-giving
Words of our Father in heaven.
Every man needs the spirit of revelation from God. I do not
refer to that silly spirit so often found among sentimental and
over-enthusiastic christians that is always clamoring to come up with some
new idea or interpretation that they can call a revelation. It is not a
flurry of fantastic fancies that we need, but a great spirit of wisdom
and revelation given by God that will unfold to us the majesty and
glory of God's eternal purpose. That spirit of wisdom and revelation
imparted by the Holy Spirit gives the heart of man the ability to receive
and understand the purpose of His divine mind which has been planned from
before the foundation of the world. There is certainly no lack of
fantastic notions among the saints which they imagine are revelations.
Should I try to imbibe or believe even half of the weird doctrines I come
in contact with around the country among God's people. I would now be
floundering in a sea of utter confusion and my tiny bark would soon be
strewn upon the rocks and reefs and shoals of some inhopitable shore.
Shipwreck is not a pleasant contemplation. Paul once bewailed the
shipwreck of a saint who had become confused in his prophetical
interpretations, maintaining the error (still around today!) that the
resurrection was then past. Writing to young Timothy Paul said, "But
shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more
ungodliness. Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put
away concerning faith have made shipwreck: of whom is Hymenaeus and
Alexander; who concerning the truth have erred, saying the resurrection is
past already; and overthrow the faith of some; whom I have delivered unto
satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme" (I Tim. 1:19-20; II Tim.
2:16-18). This man Hymenaeus was no worse an offender than are many
christians today. He had as good, or better, evidence in support of his
contentions than have majority of prophetical teachers today. This man was
correct in part. He merely failed to consider that the resurrection of
which he spoke takes place on many levels, past, present and future –
spirit, soul, and body. He failed to consider that the resurrection of
which he spoke was only a pledge of that to come: just a beginning. And
yet his offense, at least the only offense the inspired writer seems to
consider worthy of recording, was of such a grave nature that Paul
delivered him unto satan to scourge, until he should stand corrected and
learn not to blaspheme. He was a false prophet. He was teaching his own
perverted reasonings and imaginings as the order of God's eternal purpose,
and by his perversions, leading his listeners into error which derailed
them from the truth and could point them only down the path of disgrace
and shame. For the teaching of error, no matter how inoffensive it may
appear, is like all other sin: one original error leads to many and
greater mistakes, and ultimately results in utter apostasy and confusion
and unbelief.
We do not have our heads in the sands, pretending that the horizons
are not dark, or that the Day of the Lord is not upon us, but we do want
to able to distinguish between the multitude of voices in this hour and
know the difference between the VOICE OF MAN and the VOICE OF GOD. I have
no hesitation in saying that the sons of God will not parrot the words of
the scientists, the politicians, the economists, the ecologists, the
psychologists nor the military leaders; rather, they will speak the WORDS
OF THEIR FATHER. I do not believe the hour is dark for the people of the
earth realm just because the politicians and scientists and generals say
it is. Their word holds nothing at all with me, for I must know only and
always as I am taught of my Father and I must speak only the Words I
hear my Father speaking.
If a man comes telling me that the International Bankers have a
plan and a time-table for world domination, it could be true but it would
not be a Word of the Lord. It would be the word of the Illuminati.
It does not then become my duty to join an anti-Illuminati campaign and
commence stomping the country warning God's people about what the World
Bankers are going to do. The sons of God have an ear only for what the
Father says He is doing and a mouth to speak only what they hear
from the Father.
In May of 1979 I wrote in an article the following: “Some today
are busy proclaiming the conspiracy of the Illuminati (World Bankers etc.)
to take over the world. The instruments of oil crisis, gasoline shortage,
gun control, transportation and longshoremen's strikes, economic collapse
and martial law are supposed to be used in the next 30 months to bring
this take-over to pass. It could be true, however, whether it true or not,
it is not the Word of the Lord; at best it is merely the word of the
Illuminati! If you believe this word and teach others this word, then
you must know that you are both believing and teaching the word of the
Illuminati, and not the Word of the Lord, for what prophet among you has
received the revelation of the Illuminati FROM THE FATHER? Has God
revealed these things unto us by His Spirit, or has the knowledge of them
been gleaned from the books and tapes of men? You see, if I accept the
word of the Illuminati as being true; if I proceed to teach God's people
that this fulfills the prophecies about the Antichrist; if I say that the
Illuminati plans to take over the world within a year or two or three and
that we will see oil crisis, gun control, strikes, economic collapse and
martial law, then I have accepted THE DEVIL'S WORD as Truth and have
transformed myself into a minister of satan by proclaiming that the
devil's word can be depended on, that he will surely do what he says he
will do! I do not receive my revelation from the politicians, nor the
scientists, nor the ecologists, nor the World Bankers, nor the communists,
nor the John Birch Society, nor the media, nor Newsweek magazine, nor the
Wall Street Journal, for these are all clearly the VOICES OF MEN and not
the VOICE OF THE FATHER. I care not one whit what the communists plan to
do, nor the Illuminati, nor the devil. Satan is a braggart and a liar. He
is defeated!
“From time to time people ask me what I think will happen in
1982. I must answer that I don't know, for the Father hasn't spoken to me
of any specific events that are to transpire during that particular year.
I am confident there may be some very significant things take place in
1982, for truly we are living in momentous days and the end of age is
swiftly drawing near, but I cannot speak beyond what I hear the Father
saying. Anything I might speculate would be of no more value nor
import than the incoherent babblings of a mad-man. Two scientists are
predicting (The Jupiter Effect, Newsweek, Sept. 16, 1974) that the earth
may face a devastating series of events in 1982. At that time, all of the
nine planets of our solar system will be perfectly aligned on the same
side of the sun. These scientists speak of the severe effect of this
planetary alignment on the upper part of the atmosphere caused by the
magnetic pull of this line-up of the planets on the sun, creating an
increase in the magnetic activity on the sun with huge storms of sunspots
and solar flares, some spreading over fifty millions miles. These would
greatly disrupt weather patterns around the world by sharply altering wind
directions. This in turn would give our rotating planet a jolt large
enough to trigger many major earthquakes in those areas of the world under
severe geological strain. It is expected that the earthquakes around 1982
could destroy large populations of the earth. Some have even theorized
that the sun could "nova" in which case the earth would be
completely burned to a cinder.
“These predictions by the eminent men of science are extremely
interesting, however, I cannot be too strong in my earnest exhortation to
all who read these lines that we remember one thing well: Not one of these
predictions is the Word of the Lord, and while they may be true
they are not the Truth for they do not minister LIFE. However factual
these things may be, yet, not one of them came down from the Father above
by the spirit of wisdom and revelation to that blessed company of sons
begotten by the Holy Spirit of God. It is my firm conviction that if you
have knowledge of these predicted events for 1982 you learned about them
by reading an article or tract or by listening to some man relating them.
Whatsoever is not of the Father is of the world and surely no one
would argue that these predictions are not made from the carnal minds of
unregenerate men learned in the wisdom of this present age. It is quite
alright for saints to examine the evidence, to soberly watch the
events that may unfold before our eyes in the days to come, never
forgetting for one moment that it is indubitably the word of men and
not a divine revelation from God. Let all who have a sincere desire to
walk as sons of God refrain from building prophetical interpretations,
predictions, prophecies, end-time teachings or doctrines upon the
ever-shifting sands of carnal human wisdom lest our house be demolished by
the changing winds of time. "Whatsoever I speak therefore, even as
the Father said unto Me, so I speak" (Jn. 12:50). No Son of God has
been called to say, ‘Thus saith the scientists,’ rather, ‘Thus saith
the LORD!’
“In Noah's day, in the days of all the prophets, and in Christ's
day it was the man of God who notified the world, by the spirit of
revelation from God, of the impending destruction and exactly when and how
the judgment would fall. In our day, far too often I think, it is the
world that is feeding the information to the preachers about what is going
to happen! If your revelation of end-time events is dependent upon what
comes over the wire services, or what the leaders are saying or doing,
then you need a new revelation! And if God has not spoken to His people
about 1982, or any other event, we need not worry about our ignorance of
those things. Our only concern should be that when God does send us light
that we both receive it and walk in it, lest the birds of
the air steal away the seed of truth before it has a chance to sprout and
take root within our lives. The Words of God are always SPIRIT and LIFE
and by them we are quickened to those things which are above, where Christ
sitteth at the right hand of God. About the solar flares and earthquakes
and calamities of 1982 I do not at this time know very much, but my heart
sings a thousand hallelujahs, for I do know that this earth in God's good
grace is yet to see a whole race of sons of God begotten by the Holy
Spirit in the extremity of the age, and the wonderful Life of Jesus Christ
shall flow out from the throne of God within their innermost beings as
mighty surging torrents of Life-giving water in that blest age that lies
just before us.
“Another popular theory circulating widely among Christians
concerns a computer in Brussels, Belgium called ‘The Beast.’ This
computer is reported to be three stories high and is designed to assign
every individual world citizen a number which would be lasered – with an
inerasable laser beam – on the forehead or on the hand: a walking credit
card to be used in all future buying and selling. This would be used to
totally control the people's lives under the guise of providing a
convenience so we can do away with things like money and the theft of
credit cards! The chief analyst of the Common Market says, reportedly,
that by using three six digital units the entire world population could be
assigned a number. One central authority could have every number in the
world at his fingertips. Only one number would not be assigned, the number
666, which has (allegedly) already been reserved... What would the
authorities do if a person objected to receiving this laser tattoo? A
Common Market leader has (reportedly) answered: ‘We would use force to
make him conform.’
“That is most interesting! But – is it really the long
awaited ‘Mark of the Beast?’ To hear the Fundamentalists and
Charismatics, as well as many end-time saints, talking about it one would
certainly think so! But, beloved, has such revelation come to God's people
as WORD OF THE LORD, or have we merely supposed, presumed, speculated,
guessed and assumed that a computer number will be the mark of
the beast? Dare I declare this sensational theory as TRUTH to those
youthful sons of God predestined to be conformed in thought, desire,
nature, wisdom, knowledge, power and word to the image of the blessed
first-born Son who said, ‘I speak to the world those things which I HAVE
HEARD OF MY FATHER’ (Jn. 8:26)? I am confident that few of those
aspiring to sonship in this hour would venture to say that THE FATHER
REVEALED TO THEM THE BEAST IN BRUSSELS. What they know of it has come, for
the most part, from rumor and all would be hard pressed to document
that there even is such a thing! Such knowledge comes from man and not
from God. O brethren! We need to be very careful in these matters! We
often speak too freely of things that originate in carnal minds! And often
I feel that the way such speculations are so presumptuously presented as
Truth only demonstrates that those who speak them understand less of those
hallowed and sacred things that pertain to the Kingdom of God in this
momentous hour than the Pharisees understood of how the coming of the
Messiah would be accomplished in their day.” – end quote
The River flowing out of the garden of Eden in Genesis and the
River flowing out of the New Jerusalem in Revelation are not two different
Rivers, but the one and selfsame River. Our Lord Jesus spake of this same
wonderful River when He said: "If any man thirst, let him come unto
Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of
His belly shall flow RIVERS OF LIVING WATER" (Jn. 7:37-38). The word
"belly" is the Greek word "koilia" which is often used
for the innermost part of man, the heart. These words point
back to the smitten Rock in the desert. Moses wrote under inspiration of
that smitten Rock and in our Authorized Version it reads in Ex. 17:6:
"There shall come water out of it," but in the Hebrew it
reads, literally, "There shall come water from within Him."
The "Him" is Christ, Head and body, for that Rock is Christ
and it is from the inexhaustible reservoir of His divine Life that the
pure and sparkling streams of Living Water flow out through the channels
of His body upon earth. "Out of his belly shall FLOW Rivers of Living
Water." The word "flow" is the Greek word "rheo"
which means "to pour forth; to utter, i.e. speak
or say." It denotes the pouring forth of A WORD. "The
WORDS that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE" (Jn.
6:63). Ah – beloved, out of God's ELECT, from within shall flow the speaking
waters of LIFE! These "speaking waters" are the spiritual
hydrogen of the Spirit joined with the spiritual oxygen of the Word
Many centuries ago Hosea prophesied of this day, saying, "Then
shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is
prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the RAIN, as the
latter and former rain unto the earth" (Hos. 6:3). The Hebrew word
used for "rain" is "yarah" which means "to flow
as water" but is also the Hebrew word for "teach." Truly
there has been much teaching through the years, but the mind of man has
been so darkened by the blinding traditions of religious Babylon that
there has been but a mere trickle of Life, and the fruitage has been so
dwarfed. Thank God, He is now causing His Spirit to join in union with His
Word within a RIVER OF LIFE PEOPLE that there shall come forth in the
earth a flowing, speaking, teaching message to all nations which will have
inherent in it the quickening of Life, that the people shall come and
drink of the pure steams of Spirit and Truth and a great multitude that no
man can number shall be caused to live!
It is written of God's ELECT in the Song of Solomon 7:8-9: "I
said, I will climb up into the palm tree, I will take hold of the branches
thereof... let the smell of thy breath be like apples; and thy mouth like
the best wine, that goeth down smoothly for my Beloved, causing the lips
of those that are asleep to speak." It is not at all inconsistent the
members of the body of Christ should be spoken of almost as though they
were the source of the food and drink which belong to the Kingdom of God.
They are not the source, but they are the channel; they are the body of
HIM who is the source of Life and of all spiritual food and drink, even
Christ. We are His body; and it is through the members of His body on
earth that He is working and shall yet do greater things than He did
through that one human body in which He walked the earth during those
thirty odd years.
In the second chapter of the Song of Solomon Christ is likened to
the Apple Tree among the trees of the forest. There can be no doubt that
the more the body of Christ feeds upon Christ, the more the fragrance of
the Christ-life breathes out from their life, and the more the odor of Him
upon whom they are feeding is discerned. In the natural, the breath bears
the odor of that which has been eaten. It is the same in the spiritual; if
any man is feeding continually upon the fruit of this one incomparable
Apple Tree, the air about him will give forth the fragrance of this Divine
Apple. Every thing that goes out from his life will exhale the odors of
Christ dwelling in his life by the Spirit. As one learns to know the love
of Christ that passeth knowledge, he is filled unto all the fullness of
In that company of the obedient, spiritual saints who are following
hard after the Lord, there comes to be a breathing out of the Life
of Christ, which can be discerned by all who come into their presence. The
working of self and its activities are gone; there is rest, sweet rest, as
such a company sit together with their Lord in the heavenly places. This
rest, and faith, and love is exuded as fragrance poured forth from their
innermost being. God would not have our breath ladened with the vile odors
of unbelief, struggle, carnality or the filthy spirit and speech of the
world. He would not have any scent go out from us that does not come from
Him whi is the source of all the fragrance of Eden's perfumed garden; who
is the storehouse of all the spiritual food and nourishment of the tree of
life; who is the fountain of all fountains and of all spiritual drink. We
must so draw from the Living Waters and so flow forth that we become like
the well-watered garden of Eden where abounded the tall, beautiful palm,
whose leaves are ever green, whose branches are strong and stalwart, whose
fruit hangs in abundant clusters.
"Thy mouth is like best wine, that goeth down smoothly."
The word "smoothly" means wine that has worked itself out; and
the mouth, or speech, of God's elect is like the very best wine, the wine
from which all fermentation is gone, so that there is no more working or
fermenting in it. This is where self comes to an end and CHRIST LIVES. Our
own desires, works and words have been put away. Our motives, actions and
speech have been purged, and our every expression and speech is like the
very best wine, the New Wine of the Kingdom. To the one who is following
hard after the Lord, it is truly out of the abundance of the heart that
the mouth speaketh. Such an one does not always go out with the set
purpose of speaking to others about Christ, or some experience in the
Lord; but his thoughts and heart are so full of those things which are
above that he finds no joy in speaking of worldly or indifferent things.
What does it mean to have your speech so purified, that your own
words are all put away? to have your words so taken hold of by God, that
it is the Spirit that speaks through you even in common things? Oh, if all
our words were to the glory of Jesus Christ, we should have a mouth like
the best wine! How much there is in the Word about our words and speech;
from Genesis to Revelation, admonition is heaped upon admonition. Is our
"speech always with grace seasoned with salt" (Col. 4:6)? It is
written that the mouth of a wise man is "like a fountain of
life" (Prov. 10:11). Is our speech always that of wisdom, which we
are told, is "as a flowing brook" (Prov. 18:4)? Too often, alas,
is the speech of Christians like a flowing brook, only it is like a stream
of muddy turbulent water. We are so quick to let our words go forth, to
tell all we know, and more that we surmise; to express our opinions, and
speak about others as though we were not compassed about with
infirmities! We are so ready to criticize and set every one right about
small unimportant things, as though we were the people, already perfect,
and wisdom would die with us (Job. 12:2). But the speech of the wise SHALL
Think, for one moment, beloved ones, what it shall mean for the
glory of God, when all our words are like a running brook, like a flowing
of Living Water, fed by springs hidden in God Himself, pure and sparkling.
Words that are like such streams water every place and give Life to
everything they touch, as they flow from God's Garden of the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth. This is the thought the Spirit would bid us meditate long
upon; only as we are in the place where God can so fill us with Himself,
can we know what God shall do when WE BECOME HIS MOUTH, His SPEAKING RIVER
OF THE WATER OF LIFE! He shall so impart the nature and mind of Himself,
He will put such heavenly thoughts and revelations in our hearts, He will
fill us with own food and with the Living Water of His Spirit and His
Word, that our mouth will overflow out of the abundance of our hearts and
the earth shall drink of HIS LIFE.
It is true with those who have entered into the knowledge of God
and of His Christ, and have the experimental knowledge that must accompany
salvation, that "The wise in heart shall be called prudent; and the
sweetness of His lips increaseth learning. Understanding is a wellspring
of life unto him that hath it... The heart of the wise instructeth his
mouth and addeth learning to his lips, pleasant words are as honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and health to the bones" (Prov. 16:21-24).
If by the grace of God the
truth of this holy vision can burst upon you, you will know once and for
all that the Words of the Speaking River of Life go down smoothly; there
is nothing of the flesh, nothing in the life or in the words to cause
those who see and hear to stumble; but they go down smoothly, for, as the
beloved apostle John has written, these are a "PURE RIVER of the
water of life" (Rev. 22:1). There is no carnality nor impurity in
such pure water, nothing that would correspond with leaven and to that
which causes the wine to work. But it is manifesting out of our BEING, and
speaking out of our mouth the Words of Spirit and Truth; letting the
hidden springs of God flow out in streams of salvation to those who are
thirsty; it is Life to all who are sleeping the sleep of death, who are
dead in trespasses and sins, or thirsting in the dry and desolate
activities of a Babylonish church system. God's River of Life is patient,
gentle admonition and encouragement to those who hear; it goes down
smoothly. There is a "judgment company" of the Two Witnesses,
but the Words of the RIVER OF LIFE COMPANY do not irritate and burn, they
do not choke nor distress; but like costly wine, and like the sparkling
waters of Eden's pure river, they go down smoothly and impart the
transforming power of the Kingdom of God!
"Let that mighty River
Let it flow, and flow, and
Let that mighty River flow, Oh
Lord, through me;
Let it flow, and flow, and
It brings Life where ere it
Let that mighty River flow, Oh Lord, through me!" |
Writings in This Series:
