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Part 2
Both secular and sacred history agree that about two
millenniums ago there was born in Bethlehem a babe, who was named Jesus; that He
grew to manhood's estate; that He was a great teacher; that He was crucified on
a Roman cross, and died; and that the church systems of Christendom profess to
be based upon the teachings of this great Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth.
The Bible record reveals that Jesus of Nazareth, at the age of
thirty years, was baptized in the river Jordan, at which time a voice from
heaven declared Him to be the Son of God; that He selected twelve disciples, who
were His special pupils during the three and one-half years of ministry that
followed; that He preached the Kingdom of God and performed mighty signs and
wonders and miracles among the people; that His crucifixion had been foretold by
the prophets in the Old Testament; that on the third day after His death He was
resurrected from the dead; that forty days thereafter He ascended into heaven
and ten days later the Holy Spirit was given to His faithful disciples, who were
waiting at Jerusalem as directed by Him; and that these disciples confidently
expected the return of Jesus Christ, and that later, in their epistles to the
church, they spoke of His coming again. These facts are conceded by all who
believe the Bible. Therefore, if the scriptures conclusively establish the fact
of His coming again, then we should expect to find therein evidence as to the
manner of His coming, the time of His coming, and the purpose of His coming.
Throughout the past several years the Holy Spirit has
progressively been teaching me some wonderful and revolutionary things regarding
the return of our Lord. It is not new to us to have the Holy Spirit, the Spirit
of Truth, tear away many of our former cherished beliefs; this He has been doing
since the move of His Spirit many years ago whereby he began to draw us out of
the religious systems of man in order to reveal Himself and unfold this glorious
One that we call the Lord Jesus Christ. As we were separated from the static
systems of Mystery Babylon we began to be taught by the Spirit of Truth, the One
sent by God to teach us all things, and to guide us into all truth. The
realization soon broke in awesome solemnity upon our quickened minds that most
of what we believed, had been taught, and cherished, was not the truth at all,
but just the thoughts and reasonings of the natural mind, the interpretation of
the scriptures through the instrumentality of the intellect of man, and not by
the Spirit of wisdom and revelation from God.
The first prerequisite to being taught by the Spirit of Truth
is a readiness to lay down any, and all, preconcieved ideas of what the
scriptures teach, with a holy disposition to accept what the Spirit teaches. It
is an obvious fact that all Christians believe many doctrines simply because
they have been handed down from generation to generation. Our forefathers, our
church, and our brethren believed them for generations, and we believe them
because they did. Much of what we believe, we believe because people for many
years and long centuries have believed thus, but not one precious child of God
in a thousand ever takes the time or expends the energy or spiritual initiative
to discover the origin of his beliefs, and whether they are truly scriptural. We
just blindly follow on in the traditional path because father and mother and
friends believe that way. But because our fathers, or the majority of
Christians, have believed a thing is no guarantee that it pertains to the realm
of truth! We made this startling discovery when the streams of light began to
flow from the realms above and the blessed Spirit of Truth began to dig down
deep beneath the surface of the scriptures, the letter of the Word, opening to
our astonished understanding the deeper things of God. We soon found out,
however, that when the Spirit begins to bring to light, and uncover the hidden
mysteries of the Kingdom of God, that many immediately commence to fight against
it. When one tears away time-honored tradition he must be prepared to be branded
as a heretic; and he may be sure that his statements will be misrepresented, his
teachings misstated, and he himself regarded as unspiritual and dangerous.
The things the Spirit reveals are always different from what
men have previously believed, and how often they are staggered! The Truth is
light, and the light reveals the great darkness in the carnal and childish
concepts conceived by the natural mind by interpreting through the intellect the
dead letter of the Word; and because the truth is so contrary to the ideas
treasured and nourished for so long, many are incited to fight against it.
Because they are not seeking truth, and not contending for truth, they set
themselves to defend to the death their old established doctrines, never taking
the time to search out whether they are right or wrong. Oh, how subtle, how
deceitful and foolish the heart of man! "The heart is deceitful above all
things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9). Only the
Lord knows what is in the heart of man, and He says, "I the Lord search the
heart, I try the reins." We can be fully convinced in our heart that we are
standing for the truth, when the opposite is true. How we need to have our
hearts circumcised and broken before God, and our eyes opened, and our ears
unstopped, so we can see and hear what the Spirit has to say to the churches!
Most of what is taught in the earth contains some element of
truth. Most Christian church doctrine has some truth in it, enough to make it
acceptable to some people, but I do not hesitate to tell you that there is so
much mixed with it that is not truth at all, and this is what has created all
the divisions between the children of God. It isn't the truth that divides, it
is all that is false that is mixed in with the truth that separates. Truth mixed
with falsehood ceases to be truth. Since the coming of Christ is a major theme
of the New Testament, and linked to man's complete redemption, why is it so
variously taught and conceived? Who is responsible for distorting the truth, and
what gain is made by doing so? Perhaps Paul furnishes an answer in this
scripture: "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned" (I Cor. 2:14).
Let me reiterate here one of the salient points from our
previous study on this subject. I am sure it surprises many of my readers to
learn that the Bible nowhere speaks of the "second coming" of Christ.
Interesting, isn't it - how many of the major and most commonly accepted
doctrines of professing Christianity cannot be found in the Bible? Even without
the vast and conclusive testimony of scripture, even without the illuminating
effect of the Holy Spirit of Truth, we would be inclined to suspect the
"orthodox" teachings of the churches on the so-called "second
coming of Christ" simply because all of the preachers and teachers and
professors of Mystery Babylon are so united in dogmatically proclaiming it! Some
will shudder at the very thought of questioning so sacred and orthodox a
doctrine. Let them transfer their reverence from such empty shells of human
supposition to the living, imperishable Word of God, and their feelings will
revolt at that which they now revere. We have long enough covered up the truth
with Babylonian babblings. Let us clear them aside so that we may look upon the
face of God's holy Word.
The term - "the second coming of Christ" - is not
scriptural and cannot be found anywhere in the Bible; yet it has influenced the
thinking and teaching of most Christians to accept and believe concepts that
simply are not true. We have been so confused in our thinking that everything in
the scriptures pertaining to the coming of the Lord, His appearing, His
manifestation have to fit into His coming as a man two thousand years ago, or to
His so-called "second coming" when every eye shall see Him. This is
wrong. Many texts speak of the coming of Christ, the coming of the Son of man,
the coming of the Lord or similar phrases. The word "second" never
occurs with a word that can be translated "coming". The "second
coming" is not a biblical expression and first occurred among Christians as
late as the middle of the second century after Christ. I cannot emphasize too
strongly that the word "second" is NEVER used in Holy Writ with the
word "coming". That is the simple and plain and incontrovertible
truth, and this fact is elementary and basic to a correct understanding of the
coming of the Lord.
A great deal of faulty reasoning is apparent among Christians
when the subject of the coming of the Lord is under discussion. We have been led
to think in terms of the first coming and the second coming, whereas the Bible
speaks in terms of the progressive revelation of Jesus Christ. Our God does not
talk about the "first coming" and the "second coming" - He
talks about the progressive revelation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We dare
not lose sight of the fact that our Lord has already had many comings, many
appearings and shall continue to have many more. We have limited the comings of
Jesus strictly to two because of our unscriptural terms "first coming"
and "second coming," but the truth is that He came; He continued to
come; He comes; He continues to come; He will come; and He will continue to
come! There are numerous "comings" and "appearings" of the
Lord in the New Testament. BUT THEY DO NOT ALL REFER TO THE SAME EVENT. The word
"coming" is very often used in the scriptures of a visitation or
manifestation of the Lord to judge or bless or accomplish some aspect of His
plan and purpose among His people or in the earth. One would think, listening to
the preachers rant and rave about "THE second coming of Christ," that
every time the Lord says, "I will come," He is speaking of one,
specific, particular, singular event sometime out in the dim and misty future. I
would be remiss if I failed to tell you that this is a great error.
We have seen that on the day of Pentecost Christ came again as
the Comforter. In the scriptures Christ is presented coming with clouds; coming
as lightning; coming as a thief; coming with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, with the trump of God; coming as Bridegroom; coming as King; coming
as the morning star; coming as the sun of righteousness; coming in resurrection
power; coming as Judge; coming in flaming fire of judgment; coming as Saviour;
coming as Christ; coming as Lord; coming as refiner's fire and fuller's soap;
coming to His temple; coming on the Mount of Olives; coming in the air; coming
on a white horse; coming as the Chief; Shepherd; coming in His Kingdom; coming
as seasons of refreshing; coming in glory; coming on His throne; coming with His
angels; coming with His saints; coming to His saints; coming in His saints;
etc.; etc.
It should be evident to every spiritual mind that Truth is
greatly suffering when all the above "comings" of the Lord are crammed
into just ONE "second coming" of Christ. Like the sound of many waters
the testimony of the Word of God resounds with abundant and stunning and
inescapable evidence that the coming of the Christ is not a single event, but
includes many different manifestations, past, present and future. His coming to
us is a many-sided experience. The confusion on this subject reminds me of one
of the six blind men of Hindustan, that many who read these lines had in their
readers when they went to school. It went something like this:
There were six blind men of Hindustan, to learning much
inclined, Who went to see an elephant, though all of them were blind, That
each by observation might satisfy his mind. The first approached the elephant,
and happening to fall Against his broad and sturdy side, at once began to
bawl, This mystery of an elephant is very like a wall. The second, feeling of
the tusk, cried, "Ho, what have we here, So very round and smooth and
sharp? To me 'tis mighty clear, This wonder of an elephant is very like a
spear." The third approached the elephant, and happening to take The
squirming trunk within his hands, thus boldly up and, spake, "I
see," quoth he, "the elephant is very like a snake." The fourth
reached out an eager hand, and felt above the knee, "What most this
wondrous! beast is likei, is very plain" said he, "'Tis clear enough
the elephant is very like a tree. "The fifth who chanced to touch the
ear, said, "Even the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; deny
the fact who can; This marvel of an elephant is very like a fan." The
sixth no sooner had begun about the beast to grope, Than seizing on the
swinging tail that fell within his scope; "I see," said he,
"the elephant is very like a rope." So these blind men of Hindustan
disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion exceeding stiff and strong;
Though each was partly in the right, they all were in the wrong!
How like the doctrines of Christendom today! Each one seeing
only part of the picture; having little or no understanding of the overall plan
and purpose of God. Just seeing a fraction and not the total picture; and yet
like these blind men of Hindustan, disputing loud and long, each in his own
opinion exceeding stiff and strong. Each one thinking he is right, and
contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. You see, each man was
closed-minded. And what made him closed-minded? Not that he held an untruth, but
that he held a TRUTH! It was true that an elephant is like a rope. However,
where the blind man thought that it was the whole truth it was really only a
PARTIAL truth. It never occurred to him, nor to his fellows, that ALL of them
might be telling the truth and that if they put their pieces of truth together
they would come up with "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth." Only as they put each man's description with all the others could
they possibly hope to know what the WHOLE ELEPHANT really looked like. And until
they could learn to do that, they would ever be quarreling among themselves
about what an elephant is really like, no one ever knowing what an elephant is
really like, because each one was blinded by the IN-PART truth that he held.
As we come up through the various stages of spiritual growth,
we get hold of a truth. And, like each of those blind men, we jump to the
conclusion that what we hold to is THE WHOLE TRUTH when, in reality, it is only
a part. It never occurs to us that there might be another side that is equally
valid, equally important, and equally essential to ourunderstanding. We cling
stubbornly to the elephant's tail, thinking it is the whole elephant, and then
wonder why circumstances contradict our great and wonderful truth. Certainly,
part of the elephant was like a spear, part of him like a rope, part of him like
a tree trunk, but the total animal was something far more than any of these, and
though each of these blind men was right about the little part that he
understood, they were all entirely wrong about the whole!
The coming of the Lord is not the simplistic event that many
have made it. This explains why so very few Christians have really scriptural
thoughts about the coming of the Lord. They are looking into prophecy for the
church's hope - they confound "the Sun of Righteousness" with
"the Morning Star" - they mix up the coming of Christ "IN His
saints," and His coming "WITH the saints" - they have not the
faintest idea what is the difference in time or manifestation between His coming
as Rain or His coming as Fire; His coming as Christ and His coming as Lord; His
coming as Lightning or His coming with Clouds; His coming as Bridegroom or His
coming as King. Not very many know when or how the Lord comes in any of His
manifestations, therefore, they cannot know how to MEET HIM! Almost all of
Christendom teaches that the return of the Lord is one single, future event. How
much more reasonable and understandable is the glorious truth! Christ came, He
comes, He continues to come, He will come and will continue to come. Nothing -
absolutely nothing in the scriptures limits Christ's coming to one singular
future event. The doctrine of the second coming of Christ as an event that has
never occurred (in recent times) is as fictitious as Henry Kissinger being the
antichrist, the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary, the infallability of
the Pope, or the pre-tribulation rapture! Former misconceptions and crude
theories concerning this great event should not be permitted to hinder us from
ascertaining the simplicity of the truth concerning it, as set forth in God's
blessed Book and revealed unto His elect saints now by the Spirit. Whenever I
long for the Lord to move by His Spirit and make Himself real by His presence,
or manifest the greatness of His power in some place or circumstance, my heart
cries out, "Come, Lord Jesus!" It is a marvel of church history that
practically every great move of the Spirit of God has been accompanied by the
proclamation of the soon coming of the Lord. In times of spiritual revival there
is always a childlike readiness to look and long for Christ. It has been a
remarkable feature of the vast majority of spiritual visitations that eitherby
preaching, prophetic utterance, tongues and interpretation, visions, dreams, or
other spiritual phenomena the Lord has declared in the midst of His people,
"I am coming soon!" It was noted by many, in the early centuries of
the church, and during the revivals of the past few centuries, that it seemed to
be a necessary companion to the quickening which God was then effecting, that
they looked for the coming of the Lord, that they were filled with the
expectation of His presence, that it was not merely a mighty blessing that had
reached their souls - as indeed it was; but along with this, and above this,
there was the fixing of the heart on the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. They
yearned to behold Him and know Him in deeper measures.
During a mighty move of the Spirit in Scotland in the early
1800's the following testimony was recorded: "On Saturday Mr. C came over,
and my mouth was again opened (to speak in tongues). He said, 'It is written,
Pray that ye may interpret;' he accordingly prayed. I was then made to speak in
short sentences which George interpreted one by one. The first word of
interpretation was, 'Behold He cometh - Jesus cometh."' In a letter dated
April 19, 1830, R. B. Lusk of Greenock writes: "I afterwards saw Miss M.
and Mrs. J. They both appeared to be in a state of strong excitement. I have
never seen anything at all like Mrs. J's appearance - I cannot describe it. But
were it not that her words were words of truth, and that I had previously heard
what I have now mentioned, I would have supposed her mad. The words she spoke
were words of great power, and she seemed in an agony for utterance. I have
omitted to mention that the burden of all they say is - that the Lord is near,
near at hand." A portion of a letter written on May 18, 1830, is as
follows: "Last Saturday night after James had spoken in tongues for a
while, he prayed for interpretation, and ... it is very striking that almost all
that has been interpreted has been on the coming of Christ."
A great many who read these lines can bear living witness to
the fact that in the great Pentecostal outpouring at the turn of this century,
the overriding message spoken by divine utterance was just this: "Jesus is
coming soon!" The question follows, In all these moves of the Spirit of God
through the centuries, where the soon-coming of Jesus Christ was proclaimed, DID
HE COME? Did those who prophesied lie, or did "soon" mean two thousand
years later, eighteen hundred years later, two hundred years afterwards, or a
century thence? The Holy Spirit does not lie, neither does He create illusions,
nor does He tantalize us with something which we have no hope of seeing within
our lifetime. Most assuredly HE CAME! Ah - He came not in the way people
expected; He came not in the manner that the saints were looking for Him; but
His word was certain, and I can assure you that every time He said He was coming
All through the 1800's, in revival after revival, throughout
various parts of the earth, the Spirit of God thundered out the message,
"Jesus is coming soon!" Then Jesus came. In Pentecostal power, at the
turn of the century, He came! But the sad fact is that the complacent and
lukewarm Christians and ministers in the historic churches of that day missed
His coming altogether. They were unprepared for such a coming. They were no more
aware that the Christ was present among His people in a new and fresh
manifestation of His person, than the Jews were aware two millenniums ago that
their prophesied and long awaited Messiah walked among them. It happened as the
scripture declares of His coming of old: "He was in the world, and the
world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His
own received Him not" (Jn. 1:10,11). In the days of the Pentecostal move
some eighty-five years ago Christ came in mighty power, but the nominal
Christians remained untouched and unmoved by His presence. In fact, like the
Jews, they rejected Him. He came in manifest glory, but the church world never
beheld His glory. He came with a mighty voice, but none of the religionists had
ears to hear. He came and they knew Him not.
Again the Spirit sounded forth the message: "Get ready -
Jesus is coming soon!" And all the Pentecostals thought they knew what that
meant. Midway through the twentieth century, again there was to be a mighty cry
unto God for a fresh and deeper manifestation of His glory. Bands of saints
across the land and around the world prayed and interceded for more of God. When
God responded this time the glory erupted in a Bible School in Canada and within
a matter of months swept across America and around the world. God did a new
thing that for a time was destined to shake the church all over America. Christ
came as The Prophet in the mouths of His holy prophets, and the prophetic word
of the Lord flowed like great Niagara's of Living Water. Christ came as the Song
of the Lord in the mouths of vast multitudes as the praises of God echoed down
the corridors of the soul and the music of celestial choirs on earth went
sweeping up the sky steeps. He came in healing, delivering, and miracle working
power and great beyond the telling were the signs and wonders wrought by His
name. But the leaders in the old established Pentecostal denominational churches
had not prepared their hearts for this coming of the Lord. They perceived not
that it was HE. They were too busy building their own petty kingdoms and gazing
heavenward, expecting to be snatched away from the earth by rapture. They knew
not the hour of their visitation, and all who joyfully drank at the ever flowing
fountain of life were rejected and promptly excommunicated from their ranks,
pronounced fanatics and branded as heretics. He came to His own, and His own
received Him not!
A man was traveling, and issued from a range of hills on to an
extensive plain. He crossed a stream that ran off to his right over a long
stretch of sand; after an hour or so a thread of water gushed toward him from
the right, falling over a cascade of white marble to his left; soon another
stream was approaching him from behind, flowing over gravel through pure red
soil, and going off into the woods nearby. With the appearance of water again
after an hour's riding, the question arose: How many rivers had he crossed one
or several? The contours of the region were not decisive against several; the
traveler was a stranger in the neighborhood; to find out from an inhabitant of
the country was difficult; but he had adopted a method that gave him a definite
and accurate conclusion: he had observed that the water at every crossing, in
every direction, and over every succeeding bed of sand, of rock, of gravel, of
marble, carried always, not only a particular substance of solution, but also a
peculiar kind of grass floating on the surface; he drew the conclusion, with
such certainty as the Method of Agreement in Inductive Logic could afford him,
that the several streams were one: one stream in extremely varied surroundings.
He had crossed the same stream several times!
Now in the history of God's dealings there is a stream of the
manifestation, appearing, revelation, and unveiling of Himself to men that meets
us everywhere - from the heaven blest Garden of God in Eden to the closing
verses of the final chapter of the book of Revelation wherein John the beloved
cries out with the anguish of love, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"
"They have seen Thy goings, O God, even the goings of my God, my King, in
the sanctuary" (Ps. 68:24). Now, the idea of "goings" has to do
with the onward marching of God as King - it touches the coming of the King, and
His kingly rule among the children of men. It passes through the most varied
country as the King appears to Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to
Moses, to the children of Israel, to Samuel, to David, to Solomon, to Isaiah, to
Ezekiel, to the Jews, to the Church, to Paul, to vast numbers of saints, the
apprehended ones in every age. This is what history is all about, the
progressive revelation of Jesus Christ from age to age, from dealing to dealing,
from one stage of His purpose to another, the marching forward of God and the
unveiling of His glory in our individual lives, in the corporate body, and in
the affairs of men and nations. Christ has come and come and come; He came in
the Old Testament, He came in Bethlehem, He came in the resurrection, He came on
the day of Pentecost, He came on the Damascus road, He has come to His people
again and again in seasons of refreshing, in quickening, in judgment, and all
these comings will be finally consummated when at last the Christ has conquered
every enemy, filled all things with Himself, and God becomes All-in-all. The
many comings will then be seen to be but the ONE COMING of the Lord in extremely
varied circumstances, stages, and unfoldments.
It has been asserted that other than the epistle to the
Galatians, Paul used a secretary or scribe to write all his letters. Paul
dictated a long letter to the saints in Corinth and at last comes to the end. He
takes the manuscript away from Sosthenes or Achaicus (whoever it was that was
writing) and with his own hand writes the salutation. Then he adds this
startling statement: "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be
Anathema Maranatha" (I Cor. 16:22). These are strange words, indeed, but
without doubt Paul knew by the Spirit that all of the problems that existed in
the Corinthian church, which were manifold, would not be solved by anything
other than a sincere and intimate and intense love of Jesus Christ in the hearts
of the believers.
The word ANATHEMA means devoted to the wrath of God; it means
to be lifted up to the wrath of God; it means to be accursed. It is the word
found so often in the Old Testament of the accursed thing - that which had been
devoted to the curse of God. If anyone love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him
be devoted to the wrath of God; offered up unto the withering curse of the
Almighty, to be duly processed by His judgments. The result of a lack of love
for Christ is the ANATHEMA, the curse of God. It begins right here in this life
with the withering of the soul, with the withering of its capacity to love those
things which are good and true and beautiful and noble.
Paul concludes with a second strange word: MARANATHA! In the
King James version that is part of the same sentence. It makes little sense that
way, however. Linguistic scholars have concluded that it is properly a separate
sentence; that Paul stopped after the word ANATHEMA (accursed), and lifted his
pen only to place it down again to write a new sentence composed of two words in
the Aramaic language, that form of Hebrew which was the lingua franca of
Palestine at that time: Maran-atha. The words mean "the Lord is at
hand." The Jews of that time frequently had upon their lips the word "mara"
which means "Lord." It was a plea, a prayer, "Lord, come."
They looked for the Messiah. But those who rejected the Messiah that came
continued to cry out, "Maran! Maran!" looking for the Lord to come,
having rejected Him who had already come. And so the Christians took upon their
lips the words "maranatha." It can have several shades of meaning. It
can mean "the Lord hath come."
We cannot love one who is simply a myth or a legend and so we
are called to love One that lived a life of flesh and blood, One who suffered on
our behalf, One who endured the agony of the cross for us, One who rose from the
dead, One who ascended into heaven, One who came again on the day of Pentecost
in mighty Spirit power, One who now dwells in our hearts by faith, the One who
has already come. We are not called to love merely a promise, but a present
Christ who has lived and died and rose again for us. Furthermore, it means that
the Lord is at hand; even now He is with us, always accessible to us. He is
present. We cannot love simply a memory, but a living Christ. He is here to work
mightily within us in the present. "THE LORD IS AT HAND. MARANATHA."
Finally, it calls us to a remembrance that Christ will come again, and even that
is at hand. The Lord is on His way. His coming is imminent. He has come and
continues to come. He comes and He shall come and shall continue to come. He
will come in as many and varied ways and manners as there are needs in your life
and mine, dear one, and in the whole world of men and movements and nations.
I would draw your attention to the book of Revelation, the
unveiling of Jesus Christ. This marvelous book contains deep and rich teaching
for the elect saints concerning the coming of Christ; symbolic, mysterious,
wonderful, but always to be approached reverently, humbly, with head bowed low
and shoes removed from off our feet, as people standing on holy ground. Nineteen
hundred years ago the beloved disciple on the lonely isle of Patmos saw
unfolding before him the enthralling drama of the coming of his Lord. As the
awesome sight began to unfold he cried out in astonished wonder and surprised
joy, "Behold! He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him"
(Rev. 1:7). The coming of the Lord as revealed in the book of Revelation is
complex and progressive, extending through a variety of diverse scenes, stages,
events, and manifestations, until He has come in such measure of fullness that
we know Him finally in that dimension where HE IS the glorious fulfillment of
all that our heart has yearned for, and desired so earnestly. All the lacks
swallowed up into completeness, all the voids filled with His fullness, and we
know the bliss of HIMSELF as our All-in-all.
BEHOLD! This is the word with which John begins his
description of what he saw. Someone has said that the word "behold" in
the scriptures is the "Stop, Look, and Listen" sign of the Bible. It
always calls for special attention and directs our focus to a truth of unusual
importance. The word comes from the Greek IDOU, a demonstrative participle.
There are four things we should understand about this word. First, it bids the
reader or hearer to give attention to what is being said, as if we were to say,
"Now listen!" Second, it is used when an event is specified which
seems impossible, yet occurs. Third, it is an exclamation of one pointing out
something and calling attention to it. Fourth, it means to observe what is about
to be said and consider it thoroughly.
Now let us look at the two words that follow: HE COMETH.
"Behold! He cometh." This phrase is from the Greek word ERCHOMAI. It
is the third person singular, present indicative. Any reader who knows the
conjugation of verbs knows what that means. First, it means HE COMES as a
present tense reality. The verb is present indicative. He comes. He is in the
act of coming. Behold! He is (now) coming! In other words, He has been coming,
He is still in the act of coming, and He continues to come. This is extremely
important. More than once the coming of the Lord is spoken of in this tense
throughout the book of Revelation. It's not a future thing, not something that
shall happen somewhere down the course of history, but it is something that IS.
Oh! that God with flames of His holy fire would burn this truth indelibly upon
the hearts of all who read these lines.
The church world is either looking back to an historical
Christ, or forward to a futuristic coming of Christ, and they miss this word
ERCHOMAI which means "Behold, H-E C-O-M-E-S, He is coming, He
continues to come, He will continue to come." It is something that can
happen right now. It means that He comes from one place to another. He comes out
of the realm of spirit to be manifested in flesh, expressed and revealed in a
visible, tangible way to the material creation. ERCHOMAI means to come, to make
one's appearance come before the public. It means that He comes and appears
before the view of the people round about. And this coming, has already
happened, it is now happening, and it shall continue to happen. This is the
revelation that so captivated the apostle John that he could only stand and in
amazement exclaim, "Behold! He comes!"
The coming of the Son of God did not begin with the lowly
birth at Bethlehem; it began when time began; it is still going on. The Christ
was in the world ages before Jesus was laid in the manger beneath the lowly
cattle-shed; He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world
knew Him not. And the Christ never went away to stay; He always leaves in one
form in order to come in another. He is in the world today, known and loved and
trusted by multitudes of those who through Him have received the spirit of
adoption as sons. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, who is the same
yesterday, and today, and forever. Christ is born anew every morning, and as
many as receive Him to them gives He power to become the sons of God. "The
dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in
darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of
peace" (Lk. 1:78-79).
That glorious Name by which God is known in the Old Testament,
"Jehovah," is a name which indicates a Coming God. This is neither the
time or place to enter into a lengthy technical and linguistical study, but the
word Jehovah, the greatest rabbis will tell you, means the Coming One. For many
years I have read various interpretations of the name Jehovah. Some say it
signifies, "I am." Others say, "The Coming One." Other
scholarship seems to consider "The Eternal" as the most satisfactory.
Another definition has been given as "The Self-existent One." Actually
there is merit in all of these interpretations. God is eternal just BECAUSE He
is Self-existent and therefore not dependent on any outside help or support. He
is the One who in Himself embodies essential life, permanent existence, derived
from no source outside Himself, and absolutely dependent upon no other person,
thing, or circumstance for its continuance. And because He is Self-existent and
eternal He is the One who always has been, who now is, and who always will be.
Therefore, He is the One who is always coming, always at hand.
How graphically this grand truth is expressed in the
introduction to the book of Revelation with these words, "Him Who is, and
Who was, and Who is coming" (Rev. 1:4). And again, "Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God Almighty, Who WAS, and Who NOW BEING, and Who is the COMING ONE"
(Rev. 4:8). The trilogy of holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, refers to the
threefold time, past, present and future. The holy One Who was from eternity,
the holy One NOW BEING, and the ever COMING ONE. The Lord God Almighty is not
someone to come sometime in the distant future. He is the One Who WAS coming,
Who IS coming, and Who shall CONTINUE to come, manifesting Himself to His people
in blessing and judgment and redemption until every eye has beheld Him and every
heart has acknowledged Him, Lord of all.
In the Hebrew scriptures salvation is of Jehovah. No other
name is given which His own people could invoke for help. Even when the Messiah
came in flesh in order to be the Saviour there was no real change, because in
Hebrew HE IS JEHOVAH-SAVIOUR, which is the meaning of the name Jesus. Peter
could assure the Jews that "there is salvation in no other: for there is
NONE OTHER NAME under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved"
(Acts 4:12). Does this deny that there is salvation in Jehovah? Quite the
opposite! It insists that Jesus IS the Jehovah in Whom salvation is. So that, as
a matter of fact, the name Jehovah occurs every time that we find the personal
name of our Lord. Salvation is united with the Name in a compound. It is no
longer Jehovah, but Jehovah-Saviour Jesus.
How few realize the fullness which is in our Lord's redemptive
name! Suppose we spread it out before us and unfold its meaning. Then
wonderfully this fits into His history! Most of those who saw Him in the flesh
saw only the One who is. Of His past glory with the Father they knew nothing. Of
His future exaltation they did not dream. They saw little more than His present
humiliation. Anyone who really knew His Name realized what He had been, and what
He would be, as well as what He was. He is a Saviour who plans and performs and
perfects, in the past, in the present, and in the future. Ah, sons of God, the
one who has come to you and has begun a good work in you is the same One who
will come and come in your today and in all of your tomorrows to perfect that
good work, bringing it to completion, and present you faultless in the image of
God. It is an on-going process, an ever-unfolding salvation.
Jehovah is the ever-coming One. The Coming One is my Lord and
my God. Various Jehovah combinations or compound names are used in the
scriptures, each indicating how He comes to us:
- JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, the Coming One, thy Righteousness.
- JEHOVAH-JIREH, the Coming One, thy Provider.
- JEHOVAH-ROPHI, the Coming One, thy Healer.
- JEHOVAH-NISSI, the Coming One, thy Banner.
- JEHOVAH-MEKADDISHKEN, the Coming One, thy Sanctifier.
- JEHOVAH-SHALOM, the Coming One, thy Peace.
- JEHOVAH-SABAOTH, the Coming One, thy Warrior.
- JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, the Coming One, Present with thee.
- JEHOVAH-ELYON, the Coming One, Most High.
- JEHOVAH-RA-AH, the Coming One, thy Shepherd.
Vast multitudes of Christians leave heard of these wonderful
covenant names of God and thrill to the things they hear, but their hearts
cannot comprehend nor understand the vital truth and reality of the message.
They "listen to the music, but never hear the song." How often through
the years I have encountered this lack of comprehension among the Lord's people!
They have eyes but they do not see. They examine the outer shell, but never
taste the kernel within. They say they understand, but their spirit has not
grasped the truth. They will talk long and loud about "Christ IN YOU the
hope of glory," "the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you," "Ye are
the BODY of Christ," and then turn around and with the next breath say that
the "coming" of the Lord is still a distant, singular, future event.
When men profess that they have seen this truth of the ever-coming Christ and
confess that the Christ is their Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, Baptizer,
Provider, etc., and then wistfully add, "and my soon-coming King," I
know they have not seen it.
They have seen nothing. Do they not make Him their COMING King
because they are not sure whether they want this Man to rule over them? Most
folk do not mind Him ruling over Castro and the devil and the millenium, but
they feel they are free moral agents and have little desire to own Him as King
of their present domain. That is why so many have kept Him COMING. The Lord
wants to be King NOW. He wants to come to you today and invade the foundations
of your heart and life and reign gloriously within the temple of your being. Ah,
my brother, my sister, Christ is coming to me constantly. I feel Him near. I
sense His presence and behold His glory from realm to realm. He manifests
Himself to my consciousness in close and glad communion. He transforms my mind
and heart and life and flows from my innermost being so that deep calls unto
deep. I am not saying that He is not yet to come, even to me. Certainly He has
not come to me, or to you, in all the fullness of Himself! But His coming in
God's great tomorrow is not a single, once for all, event - it will be but the
consummation of that glory in which He is appearing to us, in us, and through us
in our today.
So many people wonder, Will Jesus come in my lifetime? Will I
live to see the return of the Lord? Well, start living and allow Jesus to come
again in your lifetime! How many lifetimes do you have? You have only this one
lifetime - let Jesus come in your lifetime! As someone has said, Let Jesus come
in your lifetime and begin to have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE! Then you can cease
gazing up into the skies wondering when Jesus is going to come, and you can step
into the NOW of God and begin your progression back into God where He is
all-in-all in your life. NOW is always the best time to live. TODAY is always
the best time to walk with God. THE PRESENT is always the best time to see and
know the Lord. I have this peculiar trait of enjoying life NOW. You can dream of
tomorrow and you can look back into the past, but all you have or will ever have
is RIGHT NOW. It is always NOW. God is NOW. Get into TODAY, into God's NOW and
begin living - JESUS HAS COME!
My heart earnestly cries that the day may speedily come when
all of God's elect will know assuredly and understand thoroughly that Christ is
always coming again, and each new quickening of the eternal Word, and each fresh
inworking of His grace brings Christ throbbing upon earth. Christ always comes
to hearts that are opened to receive Him. A soldier of World War I told how on
the battlefield and in the trenches some saw a white Christ coming to them in
their hour of need and they were strengthened by that vision. In our hour of
need, if we trust in Him, the Presence is always near. Lift up your heads to the
hills, the high places of God in the Spirit. Can you see the Christ there? Isn't
it your weakness and carnal-mindedness if you cannot see the Blessed One?
Christ also comes in judgment against our carnal and traitor
lives. What a mess we make of the testimony of our Holy Lord, even if we finally
never succeed with our carelessness! Christ comes as the Convicting Spirit that
calls the soul on the block of judgment and asks why the failure! Christ does
come every day to judge, to bless, to transform. Have you not felt that
Presence? Been aware of it? Experienced it? "No!" Then, God pity your
soul. Some day, you, too, in your far country will come to yourself. Then you
will see the Christ and find He was dogging your footstep as you went down and
tried to escape Him. Christ is the "Hound of Heaven," and, though we
flee Him down the nights and down the arches of the years and through the
procession of the ages, He never gives up. Our fears cannot keep us moving fast
enough to escape Him and our speed can never outdistance His movement of love.
He will pursue us to the lowest hell and there demand our heart's surrender.
God has purposed to reveal every aspect of His purpose through
His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. So we are living this very day in a progression.
God is marching on! He wants to reveal Himself and unfold this glorious One that
we call the Lord Jesus Christ. He is standing at the door knocking. Open the
door and invite Him and He will come in to you and will sup with you on a plane
where you have never before known Him. God is preparing a people at this very
time who are waiting for a further revelation of God. These apprehended ones are
not saying, "Oh, if I could just tell you about those good old days when
God moved in mighty power ... if only we could have continued to move in those
days of glory." This people God is preparing today is not lamenting or
trying to recapture or perpetuate the glory of the past. It is a true and
wonderful fact that for every day there is fresh manna, there is that fresh
unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not a time for God's sons to try to
recapture the past, or try to warm over the glories of yesterday. There is
something brand new for you and me today in the economy of God! The elect of God
are now in a time of patient waiting as they are being prepared for the hour
when the younger sons of God shall come to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of the firstborn Son. This is not a time for those who treasure the
beautiful hope of sonship to get excited about doing exploits for God in the
waning anointing of yesterday or by the threadbare methods of the past. The
glory that fills our expectant souls today is born of the knowledge that the
hour of His manifestation is at hand - the hour when the Christ shall come in
fullness to be revealed IN HIS SAINTS, and they shall reign over the earth.
I am prophesying a new and fresh revelation of our Lord Jesus
Christ. The night is falling on the present order. Already we are seeing
evidence of the dawning of a newday breaking forth upon us and many thousands of
the Lord's elect are even now arising to behold the first rays of the dawn and
to drink in the intoxicating freshness of the morn. There is a mighty cry in our
hearts for the Lord to move in a fresh and altogether new way in our lives and
in the earth. Many things are happening in the Pentecostal and Charismatic
realms today, but I do not hesitate to tell you that all of these things are but
stale "left overs" from previous.visitations. We are due for a fresh
move and a new work of God in the earth today! So the night is coming, bringing
an end to particular forms of the movings and operations of the Spirit of God.
Though all the manifestations of the past have been precious and needful, yet
our God in this hour is moving on. A new manifestation and revelation of the
Christ is coming in the midst of us, and I hear and see the signs that He is
beginning to come. We are living in the early dawn of another APPEARING OF OUR
LORD JESUS CHRIST. This appearing will be through the long-awaited manifestation
of the sons of God. This truth is burning within my bones, pulsating within my
bosom. I am being quickened by these things. My one desire is to be available to
be a part of this appearing of the Lord that is preparing the sons of God for
the wind-up of this age and the inauguration of a far greater age of glory.
Every time there is a change in the working of God we are
thrown into a crisis situation. There is something about us that is never quite
prepared for change. There is always that shock of seeing a cherished order
vanish away, while wondering what the next order will be. But this is how it is.
The Lord God reveals His glory and it accomplishes a purpose. Then the end of
that day comes. The night steals in upon that era. God is ready for a new order,
a new day, another phase of His workings. Again, even as I pen these lines,
there is a fresh working of God in the earth. Again there is a "going
forth" of Jesus Christ, released in another form through a many-membered
body of sons of God. God moves on and a new glory is ready to be revealed. It
will not be revealed upon those unspiritual souls who sit by saying, "My
God delayeth His coming; He has not come and is not now coming; He will come bye
and bye and take us up to heaven." Ah, those who for two thousand years
have kept Him coming in a singular event away out there in the future some where
fulfill exactly the words of Jesus these are the "evil servant" who
says in his heart, "My Lord delayeth His coming!"
I must speak very plainly, my friends. This next move of God,
the manifestation of the sons of God, will not come through those who are
waiting for a rapture to whisk them away to the skies. It will come through a
people who are crying out from the depths of their spirits, "Oh God, visit
us afresh. Do a new thing! We need YOU! Creation groans for deliverance! Come!
Lord Jesus, and meet us on a higher order, in a higher dimension. Come to your
temple in fullness. Come! with the power necessary to purge and cleanse us and
transform us into your image. Come! that we might behold your glory and be
changed from glory to glory. Come! that the eyes of our understanding may be
enlightened, that we may see Thee today in present revelation. The whole earth
is waiting with bated breath for the glory of the Lord to be manifested. Come!
and cause righteousness and praise and deliverance to spring forth before all
the nations. Even so, Come! Lord Jesus!
It is the beautiful time of waiting and watching for His
appearing. It is the time to listen for the glad heralds of the morning.
"It may be morn, it may be night or noon; We know HE'S